(26 Aug) - Florida schools got hundreds of book complaints — mostly from 2 people https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2023/08/24/florida-school-book-complaints-library-challenges-ban-department-of-education-bruce-friedman-vicki-baggett-parental-rights-sold-patricia-mccormick/ #FloridaSchools #BookComplaints #LibraryChallenges #DepartmentOfEducation #ParentalRights #PatriciaMcCormick #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110955827094505489
#news #politics #patriciamccormick #parentalrights #departmentofeducation #librarychallenges #bookcomplaints #floridaschools
From 09 Aug: - Concerns over sex content leads Florida schools to pull Shakespeare. District cites Parental Rights in Education Act. https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2023/08/08/concerns-over-sex-content-leads-florida-schools-pull-shakespeare/ #FloridaEducation #ShakespeareControversy #SexContentConcerns #ParentalRights #EducationAct #FloridaSchools #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110857916871569340
#news #politics #floridaschools #educationact #parentalrights #sexcontentconcerns #shakespearecontroversy #floridaeducation
Well- good luck to those poor students when a “graduated from Florida schools” proves to be death knell to their higher education and career goals. #noaccreditation #noeducation #malpractice #FloridaSchools https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110804596938321946
#noaccreditation #noeducation #malpractice #floridaschools
Sadly, some people do not seem to (want to) understand the difference between nudity and pornography. This country is in a sorrow state. #michelangelo #art #greatart #classicart #david #florida #floridaschools . https://www.huffpost.com/entry/florida-principal-out-after-viewing-of-michelangelos-david-upsets-parents_n_641c621ee4b0fef15248d867
#floridaschools #Florida #david #classicart #greatart #art #michelangelo
It’s completely unfathomable that #Desantis and the Florida legislature is wasting time, $$ and resources on this. No one is teaching gender identity to young children. Schools are not "radicalizing" kids. None of this makes any sense. Who has ever exp. this is schools anywhere? And why is he surrounded with kids that have no idea why they're there. #propaganda #props #floridaschools
#desantis #propaganda #props #floridaschools
#SOTU #UnityAgenda primary topics:
#CancerMoonshot #VeteransAffairs #MentalHealth #OpiodEpidemic
Are these important topics to #Americans? 💯 Yes
Is the #American #FarRight going to react reasonably to these to these basic talking points? 💔 Probably not
Is #Biden going to be brave enough to stand up for US children, whether they be #TransTeens or in #FloridaSchools? 🤷♀️ Maybe
In reality, the #StateOfTheUnion2023 is a #ShitStorm
#sotu #unityagenda #Cancermoonshot #veteransaffairs #mentalhealth #opiodepidemic #americans #american #farright #biden #transteens #floridaschools #stateoftheunion2023 #Shitstorm
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1431 - Removing Thomas Jefferson Statue & Florida School Board Association Decentralized" on @Spreaker #demoniacresistance #floridaschools #nullification2021 #politicalcorruption #thomasjefferson https://t.co/d9ZOxLDDZz
#ThomasJefferson #politicalcorruption #nullification2021 #floridaschools #DemoniacResistance
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1427 - Tempers Flare at Florida School Board Meetings Over Sexually Graphic Book Found in School Library" on @Spreaker #demoniacresistance #floridaschools #nullification2021 #obscenitylaws #pornography https://www.spreaker.com/episode/47611083
#pornography #obscenitylaws #nullification2021 #floridaschools #DemoniacResistance
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1403 - Florida Education Board Defunds Districts & Joy Behar Urges Shots For Blacks" on @Spreaker #bidenadministration #demoniacresistance #floridaschools #nullification2021 #theviewabc https://www.spreaker.com/episode/46892501
#theviewabc #nullification2021 #floridaschools #DemoniacResistance #Bidenadministration