Florida taxpayers pick up bill for Ron DeSantis’s culture war lawsuits
#TheGuardian #RonDeSantisLawsuits #FloridaTaxpayers #CultureWar #LegalFees #GovernmentSpending #Politics #News
#theguardian #rondesantislawsuits #floridataxpayers #culturewar #legalfees #governmentspending #politics #news
"But, still, this is yet more #FloridaTaxpayers #money that #DeSantis is throwing away in yet another of his #unconstitutional efforts to #suppress #speech while #pretending to be champion of speech and #fiscal #responsibility"
#responsibility #fiscal #pretending #speech #suppress #unconstitutional #desantis #money #floridataxpayers
#DeSantis returns #Florida to a #NonUnanimous #Death #Penalty verdict years after #SCOTUS declared identical law #unconstitutional
The #CultureWar #Posturing #BS will #cost #FloridaTaxpayers #Millions in unnecessary and painful #litigation.
#RonDeSantis has put his #Presidential ambition before his duty to #Floridians.
If only we had an #OppositionParty in this state.
I mean one that cares.
#oppositionparty #floridians #presidential #rondesantis #litigation #millions #floridataxpayers #cost #bs #posturing #culturewar #unconstitutional #SCOTUS #penalty #death #nonunanimous #florida #desantis