In the journey through the #FloridDesert we find a large number of different species of the genus #Alstroemeria. It is an unknown fact that the greatest #diversity of species is found in #Chile and many of them are #endemic to this country.
By now, just a little sample of the species recogniced:
En el recorrido por el #DesiertoFlorido nos encontramos con una gran cantidad de especies diferentes del género #Alstroemeria. Es un hecho desconocido que la mayor #diversidad de especies se encuentra en #Chile y muchas de ellas son #endémicas de este país.
mientras tanto, una pequeña muestra de las especies reconocidas:
Alstroemeria werdermannii; Alstroemeria magnífica ssp. magenta; Alstroemeria pulchra var. maxima; Alstroemeria magnifica ssp. magnifica.
#floriddesert #alstroemeria #diversity #Chile #Endemic #DesiertoFlorido #diversidad #endemicas
In the journey through the #FloridDesert we find a large number of different species of the genus #Alstroemeria. It is an unknown fact that the greatest #diversity of species is found in #Chile and many of them are #endemic to this country.
By now, just a little sample of the species recogniced:
Alstroemeria werdermannii; Alstroemeria magnífica ssp. magenta; Alstroemeria pulchra var. maxima; Alstroemeria magnifica ssp. magnifica.
#floriddesert #alstroemeria #diversity #Chile #Endemic