Apparently finished my 'Minotaurus' . Planning on prints now. All work done in #Gnu-Imp.
#art #artist #richardkramen #minotaurus #illustration #flossart
#flossart #illustration #minotaurus #richardkramen #artist #art #gnu
-i will make weird things that wobble, dance, throb, rotate and sometimes xplode
-using #b3d #krita #flossart
-these things are made with no plan
-they are made by doing things wrong
-occasionally I may talk
-sometimes there will be music
-but not often
-i am taking form along with them
-i am a nonbinary human (for now)
#introductions #b3d #krita #flossart @eladhen When I initially tried to decide on the tag, my goal was to make this accessible to people who might not be that familiar with the open source / FOSS / FLOSS. Hence no acronyms, and trying to avoid the word "free" (which can cause a bit of confusion)
That being said I don't see why we can't have more than one tag (and by the way, this by the way is how we ended up with #flossart tag) :)
🎨 maybe you create art, photography, design, using software like #krita #gimp #ardour #blender, #darktable, #mypaint #inkscape
🎼 ...and music using #ardour #lmms #kxstudio #hydrogen #puredata or distros like #ubuntustudio
📝 ...or when writing stories your tools to go are #plume #libreoffice or #zim
📽 Maybe you make films and animation with #kdenlive #pitivi #synfig
🎮 ...or make games with #godot or #twine
🛠 You might be using tools like #robocut #openCAD #processing or #arduino to create your art or design of any form
🎪 or simply creating art using traditional mediums, doing work in performance art, circus arts or theatre, using any of the above or others to create or document your work.
are you an artist or creative in the most generic sense of the word, and use #FOSS / #FLOSS / #OpenSource software as part of your workflow?
consider tagging your works with
🐧 #artWithOpenSource tag and check out the tag for works by your fellow mastodon artists who also prefer Open Sourced alternatives.
(sibling tags of interest: #linuxartists #flossart #libreMonday and #creativeCommons )
#krita #gimp #ardour #blender #darktable #mypaint #inkscape #lmms #kxstudio #hydrogen #puredata #ubuntustudio #plume #libreoffice #zim #kdenlive #pitivi #synfig #godot #twine #robocut #opencad #processing #arduino #foss #floss #opensource #artwithopensource #linuxartists #flossart #libremonday #CreativeCommons #MastoArt #photography #CreativeToots #gamedev #art