::: Uuden videoeditorin työstö jatkuu | FLOWBLADE 🎞️
Janne Liljebladilla on työn alla vapaa (GPL3) ei-lineaarinen / moniraitavideoeditori - kasassa on jo paljon, mm:
* Täysiraitakoostaminen
* Pehmeät avainruutu-interpolaatiot
* Näytönohjainhahmonnus
* Videoleikkeiden nopea raahaus & pudotus liittymään
Onko Flowblade jo pian vaihtoehto Kdenlivelle ja OpenShotille?
=> https://flathub.org/apps/io.github.jliljebl.Flowblade
#video #muokkaus #editorit #Flowblade #GPL #Linux #ohjelmistot #Suomi #Flatpak #Flathub #sovellukset
#video #muokkaus #editorit #flowblade #gpl #linux #ohjelmistot #suomi #flatpak #flathub #sovellukset
I think I overdid it with this wand! #noita
(Also, my first time using an open-source video editor called Flowblade, and it's really impressive! I was able to cut together these clips with ease) #linux #flowblade
Uuden videoeditorin työstö jatkuu | FLOWBLADE 🎞️
Janne Liljebladilla on työn alla vapaa (GPL 3) ei-lineaarinen / moniraitainen videoeditori - kasassa on jo paljon, mm:
* Täysiraitakoostaminen
* Pehmeät avainruutu-interpolaatiot
* Näytönohjainhahmonnus
* Videoleikkeiden nopea raahaus & pudotus liittymään
Onko Flowblade jo pian vaihtoehto Kdenlivelle ja OpenShotille?
=> https://flathub.org/apps/io.github.jliljebl.Flowblade
#video #muokkaus #editorit #Flowblade #GPL #Linux #ohjelmistot #Suomi #Flatpak #Flathub #sovellukset
#video #muokkaus #editorit #flowblade #gpl #linux #ohjelmistot #suomi #flatpak #flathub #sovellukset
Alternative video editors | FLOWBLADE 🎞️
Flowblade is a work in progress multitrack non-linear video editor for Linux released under GPL3 license.
* Full track compositing
* Smooth keyframe interpolations
* GPU rendering
* UX papercuts
* Drag 'n drop clips / timeline
* etc.
Flowblade's starting to be an impressive libre choice for video editing needs!
=> https://github.com/jliljebl/flowblade/releases/tag/v2.10.0.4
=> https://flathub.org/apps/io.github.jliljebl.Flowblade
#video #editor #Flowblade #GPL #nonlinear #multitrack #Linux #aarch64 #libre #free
#video #editor #flowblade #gpl #nonlinear #multitrack #linux #aarch64 #libre #free
It's conference time again. Which means I'm putting together another #Perl talk video.
Ahh, #Flowblade, how I missed thee. (I did not miss thee)
Flowblade is currently one of the most beautiful video editor for Linux.
like #Shotcut, #OpenShot, and #Flowblade) exists!", and you'd be correct, but that's way more advanced than Windows Movie Maker, and thus may be more difficult for the next generation to get started with editing videos on, because that's the main target demographic for this idea as I grew up using it, and it's how I made videos for the first few years of doing so (it's how I made the original, non-HD "I'm Hungry" on my second channel). Plus, restrictive art can make some interesting...
How many of using #flowblade? I am using it and very happy with it. Clean, Minimalistic UI and supports upto 4k video editing. It's support most video formats as it is based MLT framework. I Definitely recommend it anyone searching for a stable and good video editor for your linux os.
How many of using #flowblade? I am using it and very happy with it. Clean, Minimalistic UI and supports upto 4k video editing. It's support most video formats as it is based MLT framework. I Definitely recommend it anyone searching for a stable and good video editor for your linux os.
Ahora voy a armar el mismo bardo en #flowblade a ver si entiendo como usan la mezcla de capas
Rarísimo como se mezclan las pistas en #flowblade
Gleich bin ich dran mit Videoschnitt unter Linux 🎬
Spoiler: geht wunderbar und die Software-Auswahl ist riesig 💡
Ich freue mich drauf ☺
#lpd #halle #linux #freiesoftware #opensouce #videoediting #video #multimedia #kdenlive #openshot #shotcut #flowblade #olivevideoeditor #olivevideo #olive
#olive #olivevideo #olivevideoeditor #flowblade #shotcut #openshot #kdenlive #multimedia #video #videoediting #opensouce #freiesoftware #linux #halle #lpd
Flowblade has a set of industry standard editing tools to help you edit your videos quickly. Flowblade also has a configurable workflow which makes adding, moving and trimming clips very easy.
Perhaps Flowblade might be the next video editor for your next video project.
According to the Flowblade website,
Flowblade supports all the media that in general can be accessed in a Linux system when the FFMPEG library is working as the backend. Typical startup message on terminal tells that 146 formats, 78 video codecs and 58 audio codecs are available to be used.
@oz I have been using #shotcut for a while now and think it is problably the best #opensource video editor on Linux. I usually download the latest #appimage from their website and it just works without any issues.
#shotcut #openshot #kdenlive #pitivi #flowblade #olivevideoeditor
#shotcut #opensource #appimage #openshot #kdenlive #pitivi #flowblade #olivevideoeditor
#shotcut #kdenlive #avidemux #olive and #openshot use #qt toolkit.
#pitivi #flowblade and #lives use #gtk toolkit.
#cinelerra uses #guicast
#blender uses their own toolkit
#shotcut #avidemux #lives #kdenlive #olive #openshot #qt #pitivi #flowblade #gtk #cinelerra #guicast #blender
#shotcut #kdenlive #avidemux #olive and #cinelerra use #cpp as their programming language.
#openshot #pitivi #flowblade #blender and #lives use #python as their programming language.
Disclaimer: some video editors use both C++ and Python
#shotcut #kdenlive #avidemux #olive #cinelerra #cpp #openshot #pitivi #flowblade #blender #lives #python
#Flowblade the « multitrack non-linear #video editor for #Linux » has its version 2.8 /> https://github.com/jliljebl/flowblade/blob/master/flowblade-trunk/docs/RELEASE_NOTES.md
Comparaison des logiciels de montage vidéo - LinuxFr.org
#kdenlive #cinelerra #flowblade #openshot #pitivi #montage_video
#montage_video #pitivi #openshot #flowblade #cinelerra #kdenlive