at some point, I deal with all types... but I think most are the intuitive type because of the immediacy... 🕘💬🧐
Uh oh. Opened a can of worms I never intended to open. The 7-year-old wants to get into it. Surprisingly satisfying and doable, thanks to the Wired "How to Solve a Rubik's Cube" video. #rubikscube #flowchart
Today, via a :mastodon: search on "#flowchart" I discovered the #python :python: library of my life^[1]:
Its #schemdraw by @codeismycanvas
See below for my first result with it. And here for its release announcement:
Also: ping @pythonhub
[1] OK, that's probably exaggerated but I am really thrilled.
#schemdraw #python #flowchart #til
I updated my alt text for this useful “where does my toot appear” flowchart from
#tootflowchart #toot #flowchart #whoseesmytoot #TootVisibility
#TootVisibility #whoseesmytoot #flowchart #Toot #tootflowchart
Anybody else just fucking hate the diamond as a #flowchart symbol? Can’t fit any words inside those stupid things unless you make them take up half the page already.
Make Use Of: The 10 Best Flowcharting Apps for Visualizing Your Workflows #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #Visualizations #Productivity #PlanningTool #Flowchart
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #visualizations #productivity #PlanningTool #flowchart
Funny flowchart from "What if? 2" by Randall Munroe.
#funny #flowchart #physics #whatif
This best flowchart on Trump's indictment you'll find. By JoElla Carman for NBC News. #DataViz #FlowChart #Trump
I published a new release of #schemdraw today, the #Python library for drawing electrical schematics, flowcharts, and state diagrams via code. This update is mostly little bug fixes and enhancements that have been collecting for a few months.
Happy circuit drawing!
#schematic #electricalengineering #diagram #flowchart #circuit #electronics
#schemdraw #python #schematic #electricalengineering #diagram #circuit #electronics #flowchart
Did you know you can draw #diagrams, interactive maps, and D3 Models within #Github #markdown ???
I just used it for a simple #FlowChart, so here are useful links.
Drag & Drop tool:
#diagrams #github #markdown #flowchart
a classis XKCD comic on dating undated maps that crossed my feed this morning - enjoy!
#map #xkcd #flowchart #randallmunroe #history
The Discrete Event Process Modeling Notation (DPMN) combines the formally precise language of Event Graphs with the intuitive #flowchart #notation of #BPMN
Just published a #Figma resource with sketches of ISO 5807 information processing symbols for early stage design and development projects.
#ux #flow #iso #5807 #flowchart #information #design
#figma #ux #flow #iso #flowchart #information #design
Get the Notion template "Visual onboarding with diagrams" and the " for Notion" Chrome Extension #timeline #mindmap #floorplan #gitflow #kanbanboard #flowchart #network #incidentresponseflow #knowledgebank
#timeline #mindmap #floorplan #gitflow #kanbanboard #flowchart #network #incidentresponseflow #knowledgebank
I'm working on quite a complex workflow right now that involves numerous moving parts and if/then results.
Does anyone know how I could make an interactive flowchart style diagram for other techs to click through based on their scenario?
A normal flat flow chart would be fine, but could seem daunting to some.
If they only saw the flow relevant to their decisions, that would be ideal.
Diagram Software and Flowchart Maker #architecture #flowchart #diagram #online #tool
#architecture #flowchart #diagram #online #tool
Here are all the #alchemy and #baking #emojo from Denis Moskowitz :cc_pd: Feel free to share and reuse! :at_ok: your #MastoAdmin to have them copy them for you if you want them!
I did some post processing to the symbols to make the background transparent and add a white boarder so they're easier to see. The names are just as the files are named on the site. They're in alphabetical order because i dont want to sort them tonight :)
:Apple: :Basil: :Beef: :BeefStock: :BellPepper: :Boil: :Break: :BrownSugar: :Butter: :CakeFlour: :Chicken: :ChickenStock: :ChocolateChips: :Combine: :Complete: :Cool: :Drain: :DryMilk: :Egg: :EggWhite: :EggYolk: :Fix: :Flour: :Freeze: :Garlic: :Ginger: :Heat: :Hourglass: :Meat: :Milk: :Mix: :Molasses: :Oil: :Okra: :Orange: :Oven: :Oyster: :OysterSauce: :Pasta: :Pork: :Powder: :PowderedSugar: :Rice: :RiceNoodles: :RiceVinegar: :Salt: :SambalOelek: :Scallions: :Scissors: :Shiitake: :Soda:
This page and these graphics by Denis Moskowitz. Page created Sunday April 5, 2015. Last modified Sep 29, 2020. The symbols are given to the public domain and may be used freely, copied, redrawn, critiqued, etc. but please don't claim credit for them.
#magick #chaosMagick #alchemist #flowchart #KitchenWitch @kitchenwitch
#alchemy #baking #emojo #mastoadmin #magick #chaosmagick #alchemist #flowchart #KitchenWitch