Victory by KO: Attacking #OpenPGP Using Key Overwriting
#ETHZ pre-print for ACM Conf 11.2022
If you haven't read it yet:
Key Overwriting (KO) attacks might be possible if #adversary has write access to the #encrypted private key of the #victim such as with GopenPGP or OpenPGP.js libraries in applications like #ProtonMail #FlowCrypt (#GMail etc.) and if victim does not inspect their own (!) key #fingerprint before using the key.
#PGP #E2E #Encryption #Verschlüsselung #KeyOverwritingAttack #KO
#ko #KeyOverwritingAttack #verschlüsselung #encryption #e2e #pgp #fingerprint #gmail #flowcrypt #protonmail #victim #encrypted #adversary #ethz #openpgp
#FlowCrypt – Du #Chiffrement #PGP facile à utiliser pour #Gmail
#flowcrypt #chiffrement #pgp #gmail