My back yard looks like a gross jungle, but I have some good flowers back there: a sage of unknown species, a California wild rose (Rosa californica), Oregon gumplant (Grindelia stricta), and Farewell to Spring (Clarkia amoena) #CaliforniaNativePlants #bloomscroling #flowerdon
#californianativeplants #bloomscroling #flowerdon
I planted this #toyon idk 3 or 4 years ago and it's finally mature enough to flower. Around Christmastime, it will bear huge clusters of brilliant red berries.
Of course this happens the year we're planning to move
#toyon #flowerdon #bloomscrolling
Submitting for #bloomscrolling: #Clarkia unguiculata (mountain garland), #Salvia spathacea (hummingbird sage), and #Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak, which is an image of their new leaves, which are still v pretty)
#CaliforniaNativePlants #flowerdon
#bloomscrolling #clarkia #salvia #quercus #californianativeplants #flowerdon
My Farewell-To-Spring (#Clarkia amoena) is starting to bloom, which seems apt, considering that it's Memorial Day Weekend
#flowers #flowerdon #CaliforniaNativePlants
#clarkia #Flowers #flowerdon #californianativeplants
First #Clarkia bloom of the season #flowerdon #CaliforniaNativePlants
#clarkia #flowerdon #californianativeplants
Beautiful Blossoms
#spring #blossoms #pinkflowers #nature #naturemastodon #mastadonnature #flower #flowers #flowerdon #fruittree
#fruittree #flowerdon #flowers #flower #mastadonnature #naturemastodon #nature #pinkflowers #blossoms #spring
Bloodroot and periwinkles
#bloodroot #nature #naturemastodon #mastadonnature #flower #flowers #flowerdon #wildflower #wildflowers #nativeplants #periwinkle
#periwinkle #nativeplants #wildflowers #wildflower #flowerdon #flowers #flower #mastadonnature #naturemastodon #nature #bloodroot
Bloodroot flower.
#bloodroot #nature #naturemastodon #mastadonnature #flower #flowers #flowerdon #wildflower #wildflowers #nativeplants
#nativeplants #wildflowers #wildflower #flowerdon #flowers #flower #mastadonnature #naturemastodon #nature #bloodroot
I am starting a flower series post and I hope y'all will like it ❤️ #flowers #flora #flowerdon
No. 1