I don't grow opuntias in my yard because they're so treacherous but they are also stunning!
#LosAngeles #LA #StreetSucculents #Cactus #Opuntia #Bloomscrolling #Flowers #FloweringPlants
#losangeles #la #streetsucculents #cactus #opuntia #bloomscrolling #flowers #floweringplants
This looks like a lawn but the entire thing is a mat of minuscule mesembryanthemums like in the second picture. I don't know the species but these are slow growing and not free flowering but for a couple weeks in spring they're covered with tiny pink and white pinstriped blooms shown in the third picture (that's a different plant same species)
#LosAngeles #LA #Mesembryanthemums #Bloomscrolling #FloweringPlants #Succulents #StreetSucculents
#losangeles #la #mesembryanthemums #bloomscrolling #floweringplants #succulents #streetsucculents
Does anyone know what genus or species this mesemb is? It's flowering like this from a cutting after just a couple months so I'd like to try other species in the genus. I broke off a piece from someone's yard and It rooted quicker even than most mesembs. It's so pretty!
#Mesembs #Mesembryanthemums #Succulents #Flowers #FloweringPlants
#mesembs #mesembryanthemums #succulents #flowers #floweringplants
My steppie came to visit a few weeks ago and bought a beautiful little pink-flowering Schlumbergera. She didn't take it with her so I've been taking care of it. The blooms all died back a little while ago and now it turns out there's fruit! I don't know if these are self-fertilizing, but no reason not to sprout all of them just to see! They grow outside here all year round so it's not that much work to grow dozens. Maybe this always happens? This is my first one ever!
#Cactus #Schlumbergera #LosAngeles #LA #Flowers #FloweringPlants #Epiphytes #Houseplants #Succulents
#cactus #schlumbergera #losangeles #la #flowers #floweringplants #Epiphytes #houseplants #succulents
I lived in UCLA married student housing on sawtelle until around 1969. These were old garden style apartments, now torn down and replaced, and had a ton of lantana hedges.
When the lantana was in bloom it was continually surrounded by clouds of one particular kind of moth. I still live in Los Angeles and there's still lantana everywhere but I can't remember the last time I saw one of those moths.
From wiki I think they were
Lantanophaga pusillidactyla, which is a southern California native. The wiki page doesn't say if it's endangered or not, but it's certainly gone from Los Angeles in historic quantities.
#LosAngeles #LA #Lantana #SouthernCalifornia #Insects #InsectApocalypse #Extinction #LantanophagaPusillidactyla #Moths #Mothtodon #UCLA #MarriedStudentHousing
#Flowers #FloweringPlants #MassExtinction #SawtelleBlvd
#sawtelleblvd #losangeles #la #lantana #southerncalifornia #insects #insectapocalypse #extinction #lantanophagapusillidactyla #moths #mothtodon #ucla #marriedstudenthousing #flowers #floweringplants #massextinction
Here're my last echeveria pix for today. Blue green leaves with yellow blooms.
#succulents #echevaria #flowers #floweringplants
Here's another with only one bud open so far.
#succulents #echevaria #flowers #floweringplants
Spring is in the air...
#spring #flowers #springflowers #flowersofmastodon #photography #hepatica #floweringplants #kidneywort #forest #bloom #blossome
#spring #flowers #springflowers #FlowersOfMastodon #photography #hepatica #floweringplants #kidneywort #forest #bloom #blossome
Wildly blooming succulent, maybe aeonium? In Whittier, California this morning.
#WhittierCalifornia #Succulents #Aeonium #FridayFlowers #FloweringPlants #Flowers
#whittiercalifornia #succulents #aeonium #fridayflowers #floweringplants #flowers
Spring is in the air...
#spring #flowers #springflowers #flowersofmastodon #photography #hepatica #floweringplants #kidneywort #forest #bloom #blossome
#spring #flowers #springflowers #FlowersOfMastodon #photography #hepatica #floweringplants #kidneywort #forest #bloom #blossome
Does anyone know what this mesembryanthemum is? The delicate candy-pin-striped petals blow my mind!
#Flowers #FloweringPlants #Mesembryanthemums #StreetSucculents #LosAngeles #PinStripes #Succulents
#flowers #floweringplants #mesembryanthemums #streetsucculents #losangeles #pinstripes #succulents
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-03-ants-world-prehistoric-forests.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-03-ants-world-prehistoric-forests.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1641787434563239936#m
#Ants took over the world by following #floweringplants out of prehistoric forests, says study @EvolLetters https://apps.crossref.org/pendingpub/pendingpub.html https://phys.org/news/2023-03-ants-world-prehistoric-forests.html
This is coming along!
#losangeles #lilies #budlongave #51ststreet #streetsucculents #flowers #floweringplants
This mesemb is out of control! 51st Street between Normandie and Budlong.
#LosAngeles #LA #Flowers #FloweringPlants #NormandieAve #BudlongAve #Mesembryanthemums #StreetSucculents
#losangeles #la #flowers #floweringplants #normandieave #budlongave #mesembryanthemums #streetsucculents
Jade tree in flower at 51st Street and Budlong in LA.
#LA #LosAngeles #JadeTree #StreetSucculents #Flowers #FloweringPlants #51stStreet #BudlongAve
#la #losangeles #jadetree #streetsucculents #flowers #floweringplants #51ststreet #budlongave
Castor bean plant starting to bloom in an alley in LA.
#castorbean #la #losangeles #flowers #floweringplants
Beautiful yellow flowers growing in a sidewalk hole at Broadway and 47th Place.
#losangeles #floweringplants #fridayflowers
I'm not sure what this is, some kind of lily probably, but it looks like it's going to be amazing! 51st St and Budlong in Los Angeles.
#losangeles #lilies #budlongave #51ststreet #streetsucculents #flowers #floweringplants #saturdaysighting
Euphorbia sp. (?) blooming in the rain in Whittier, California.
#euphorbia #whittiercalifornia #rain #RainyDay #floweringplants