@GenXAndBitter I do have an insane amount of respect for that aspect of Synanon at least! Basically nothing for folks recovering back in those days!
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground
Well, yeah, they sell opium because they get more money. That the basic rules of capitalism ...
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground
Synanon ... look how well Florrie Fisher turned out ...
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground #thetripback
It's awesome that drugs haven't been a problem in America since 1966 ...
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground
Stiffer penalties ... more Sid Davis films ...
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground
$100 in in late 1960s/early 1970s money?! That’s got to be like 7 or 800 in today money! (3:30am is too late/early for me to do the math)
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FlowersOfDarkness
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #flowersofdarkness
Drew a new portrait of some Square talking about drugs in the slums for this TCM Underground presentation of The Distant Drummer: Flowers of Darkness!
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground #drawnderground
Here's two Distant Drummer punk patch designs I've made the past!
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground
Correction: how NOT to
*image on screen showing how to shoot up*
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FlowersOfDarkness
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #flowersofdarkness
Now let’s hear from Paul Newman how to use opiates
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FlowersOfDarkness
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #flowersofdarkness
Flowers of Darkness wasn’t Paul Newman’s first anti-drug short film! He also narrated the 1961 film “Bennies and Goofballs,” which I’m kinda shocked has never had a TCM Underground airing.
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground
The narrator for Flowers of Darkness was Paul Newman, who I’m certain never consumed any sort of drug; he never even smoked aspirin.
#TCMParty #flowersofdarkness #tcmunderground
Here for this final (💔) but epic #TCMUnderground 💚
#TCMParty #Plan9FromOuterSpace #DistantDrummer #NarcoticsPitOfDespair #AMoveableScene #FlowersOfDarkness #TheGoldenYears #Changing1971 #KeepOffTheGrass
#tcmunderground #tcmparty #plan9fromouterspace #distantdrummer #narcoticspitofdespair #amoveablescene #flowersofdarkness #thegoldenyears #changing1971 #keepoffthegrass