#Curr .. zZz #CurrListeningAlcea ..
#Sleepy KATH / #Kathrin - #FlowerSunAndRain / #HanatoTaiyoutoAmetoOwaranai
( #MasafumiTakada & #ShingoYasumoto )
#curr #currlisteningalcea #sleepy #kathrin #flowersunandrain #hanatotaiyoutoametoowaranai #masafumitakada #shingoyasumoto
#Curr .. zZz #CurrListeningAlcea ..
#Sleepy KATH / #Kathrin - #FlowerSunAndRain / #Hanato TaiyoutoAmetoOwaranai
( #MasafumiTakada & #ShingoYasumoto )
#curr #currlisteningalcea #sleepy #kathrin #flowersunandrain #hanato #masafumitakada #shingoyasumoto
#Curr .. zZz #CurrListeningAlcea ..
#Sleepy KATH / #Kathrin - #FlowerSunAndRain / #Hana to TaiyoutoAmetoOwaranai
( #MasafumiTakada & #ShingoYasumoto )
#curr #currlisteningalcea #sleepy #kathrin #flowersunandrain #hana #masafumitakada #shingoyasumoto
Waited a whole year to see who this little self seeded pansy was 💛 #FlowerContent #flowerADay #FlowerSunAndRain #flowerinspiration
#flowerinspiration #flowersunandrain #floweraday #flowercontent
Flower Sun and Rain is a game that you can only describe in a way that makes it sound like a terrible experience.
That gameplay consists of walking a lot, solving code based puzzles and talking to characters that make no sense.
It sounds awful but it's so good. Gosh, do I love it! Thanks, Suda.
I don't think many will enjoy it as much as I do, but I still think it's worth experiencing it even if you end up hating it.
#Suda51 #FlowerSunAndRain
Any fellow #SUDA51 fans out there ❓
If that's you, do yourself a favor and check out The Art of #GrasshopperManufacture ❤️
A very cool #book showcasing the artistry of the team.
#BlackKnightSword #BloodPlus #Contact #DiabolicalPitch #Gaming #FatalFrame #FlowerSunAndRain #FrogMinutes #Killer7 #KillerIsDead #LetItDie #LiberationMaiden #LollipopChainsaw #NoMoreHeroes #SamuraiChamploo #ShadowsOfTheDamned #ShiningSoul #ShortPeace #SineMora #TheSilverCase #VideoGames
#videogames #thesilvercase #sinemora #shortpeace #shiningsoul #ShadowsOfTheDamned #samuraichamploo #NoMoreHeroes #lollipopchainsaw #liberationmaiden #LetItDie #KillerIsDead #Killer7 #frogminutes #flowersunandrain #fatalframe #Gaming #diabolicalpitch #contact #bloodplus #blackknightsword #book #grasshoppermanufacture #Suda51