Every once in a while, I stumble over a paper that has really nice figures, that make me curious to learn how they were created

Fiona Lippert et al.'s "Learning to predict dynamics from weather radar networks" is one of them

Luckily they provide all their plotting code at github.com/FionaLippert/FluxRG for all of us to learn from

#spatiotemporal #movement #openscience #flowmaps #mapping #giscience #movementecology #movementdatascience

Last updated 1 year ago

For the week of 2023-01-30, the is about making , so I took one of the books I love when I was a kid: "Around the world in 80 days" by , and made a map of the route taken by the protagonists, using data from .

code at: github.com/jmcastagnetto/my_ma

#mappromptmonday #flowmaps #julesverne #wikivoyage #rstats

Last updated 2 years ago