Every once in a while, I stumble over a paper that has really nice figures, that make me curious to learn how they were created
Fiona Lippert et al.'s "Learning to predict #spatiotemporal #movement dynamics from weather radar networks" is one of them
Luckily they provide all their plotting code at https://github.com/FionaLippert/FluxRGNN/blob/v.1.1.1/notebooks/radar_case_study.ipynb for all of us to learn from
#OpenScience #FlowMaps #Mapping #GIScience #MovementEcology #MovementDataScience
#spatiotemporal #movement #openscience #flowmaps #mapping #giscience #movementecology #movementdatascience
For the week of 2023-01-30, the #MapPromptMonday is about making #FlowMaps, so I took one of the books I love when I was a kid: "Around the world in 80 days" by #JulesVerne, and made a map of the route taken by the protagonists, using data from #WikiVoyage.
#Rstats code at: https://github.com/jmcastagnetto/my_map_prompt_monday/tree/main/2023-01-30_flow-map
#mappromptmonday #flowmaps #julesverne #wikivoyage #rstats