And it's another week at #Shfl! Joining me this time are #NatePatrin, #AndyBeta, #MeganIacobinideFazio, #ChrisCatchpole and #FlowState, and once again my contribution this week was the #RoxyMusic, Reticulated guide. #music
#Shfl #natepatrin #andybeta #meganiacobinidefazio #chriscatchpole #flowstate #roxymusic #music
And a new week on #Shfl! @burningambulance with a lead guide on biker rock, plus work from @joemuggs, #NatePatrin, #MeganIacobinideFazio, #RickAnderson, #FlowState, #AndyBeta and yours truly, in my case with more Eno reviews...and something more will be coming along soon.
#Shfl #natepatrin #meganiacobinidefazio #rickanderson #flowstate #andybeta
And a new #Shfl update for the week, with work from #JeffTreppel #NatePatrin, #JonDale, #MeganIacobinideFazio, #FlowState and yours truly. This time I talked about #Kuunatic, #EveMaret, #BrontezPurnell #MotherTongues and a soundtrack to a recent TV show episode... #music
#Shfl #jefftreppel #natepatrin #jondale #meganiacobinidefazio #flowstate #kuunatic #evemaret #brontezpurnell #mothertongues #music
Writer’s Diary #21 – Yesterday, a good day. Why?
Yesterday, I had what felt like an unusually good day of writing. So, I want to reflect on what worked. Of course, with an eye on how to repeat it.
Some observations:
Writing was the priority. I didn’t schedule writing, nor plan it, nor interrupt it by looking at email, news, or anything else.
#WritersDiary #FlowState #OnWriting #productivity #WritingProjects
#writersdiary #flowstate #onwriting #productivity #writingprojects
een miljoen views heeft op sociale media en klokken af op 40 miljoen views. Hetzelfde jaar winnen ze oa Unearthed Artist of the Year op de J-Awards, en na de release van hun Ep Notion volgt de doorbraak gevolgd door een wereldtournee.
In 2017 volgen wat singles en de aankondiging van het debuut, maar een diagnose pseudokroep gooit roet in het eten.
Na wat verschuiven van de releasedatum komt debuut #FlowState uit augustus 2018.
Tash bespeelt elk instrument zelf maar hun gitaarspel is magisch.
Flow state is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person is fully engaged and absorbed in an activity that they enjoy and are good at. Flow state is associated with increased creativity, productivity, and happiness. Flow state can be achieved by finding a balance between the challenge and the skill of the task, and by focusing on the process rather than the outcome.
#flowstate #psychology #happiness
And a new #Shfl update here -- I had some thoughts on #CravenFaults, while other writers this time out include @joemuggs, @burningambulance, #JeffTreppel, #AndyBeta, #ChrisCatchpole, #MeganIacobinideFazio, #JonDale and #FlowState #music
#Shfl #cravenfaults #jefftreppel #andybeta #chriscatchpole #meganiacobinidefazio #jondale #flowstate #music
🔥⏲️ Fudge Sunday "Do You Need The Service Catalog?" A look at service catalog frameworks, the internal developer platform (IDP), and developer experience (DevX)
#devx #developerexperience #idp #developerproductivity #platformengineering #platformengineer #IDPaaS #backstage #servicecatalog #developerportal #flowstate #cognitiveload #newsletters #newsletter
#devx #developerexperience #idp #developerproductivity #platformengineering #platformengineer #idpaas #backstage #servicecatalog #developerportal #flowstate #cognitiveload #newsletters #newsletter
It's often the little, sometimes overlooked things that I find the most enjoyable and rewarding to discover and photograph.
I find that in these moments, that often come from a flow state, my creative urges are truly satisfied, that I can be true to myself and go where my individual creative interest takes me in the moment, to follow instinct and be true to those moments of unique inspiration.
#bnw #bnwphotography #bnwphoto #still #flowstate #mindful
Have you ever heard of a 'flow state' in positive psychology? It's when you're fully immersed in an activity, enjoying the process. The image (from Wikipedia) depicts how mental state is affected by the "level of challenge" and "skill required" for the task.
#positivepsychology #flowstate
"It’s practicing till your mind and body align. It’s when muscle memory is achieved and it’s when the switch to turn it all on presents itself."
#flowstate #writingcommunity #creativity
#flowstate #writingcommunity #creativity
What I'm listening to today as I find #flow :
#resonance #flowstate #music #flow
Encouraging the Flow state by keeping an open schedule. It's only a theory, but I think having upcoming appointments, even if they're hours away, keeps part of your mind focused on timekeeping for fear of running overtime. This subconscious timekeeping process holds back the flow state, thinking it's doing you a favour.
Not today, brain!
#donothing #lazysunday #writing #antiplan #flow #flowstate #creativityboost
#doingnothing #donothing #lazysunday #writing #antiplan #flow #flowstate #creativityboost
From 1/30 -
SUSS - #FlowState
"Today we’re listening to SUSS, an ambient country band based in New York City. "
[Instrumental only, no vocals. Article includes links to audio services.]
The latest from my favorite #music substack, #FlowState:
"It’s Friday so we’re listening to something more upbęat. Today we’re listening to Harrison BDP, a Welsh electronic music producer."
[Audio links in article]
The latest from my favorite #music substack #FlowState:
"Today we’re listening to Wynton Kelly, a jazz pianist and composer from Brooklyn."
[Audio links in article]
#piano #Jazz #wyntonkelly #flowstate #Music
The latest from my favorite #music substack, #FlowState:
"Today we’re listening to Wynton Kelly, a jazz pianist and composer from Brooklyn."
[Audio links in blog post]
The newest from my favorite #music substack, #FlowState:
"Today we’re listening to Penguin Cafe Orchestra, a band formed by English guitarist Simon Jeffes."
[Lovely instrumental music that's perfect for working. Article includes audio links.]
#penguincafeorchestra #flowstate #Music
I'm reading Stolen Focus right now and want to delete all of the apps off my devices!
#productivity #focus #flowstate