Just bought a #digirig with my #yaesu ft857 #hamradio. Trying to connect using a MacBook Pro. I've managed to get CAT control with both #flrig and #wsjtx. FT-8 audio seems to work for decoding, but nothing is transmitting.
Any ideas on what to try? Online documentation seems to all be about Windows.
#wsjtx #flrig #hamradio #yaesu #Digirig
Phew; I now have #Gridtracker, #flrig, #WSJTX and #JS8CALL running on a Raspberry Pi 3.
#gridtracker #flrig #wsjtx #js8call
Does anyone use JTDX with FLRig? Having and issue with PTT. It seems to stop transmitting after a second or two. In the setup if I Test PTT, it turns on but after a second or two, the button goes back to it's normal state and the radio is still in TX mode. I have to click Test CAT to turn cat back off to get it to stop. WSJT-X all this works fine and the setup is mirrored in JTDX.
#jtdx #flrig
Ich hab ja lange nix mehr mit #VarAC gemacht - bestimmt schon 2-3 Monate... gestern kam ne neue Version raus, die unterstützt jetzt #flrig - das war für mich ein Trigger, das mal umzustellen (weil ich JTDX auch mit flrig laufen hab und damit sehr zufrieden bin und jetzt auch z.B. die Tuner-Funktion auch bei VarAC nutzen kann).
Mal schauen, was noch an brauchbaren Dingen drin ist :-)
New release. Now with option tab.
#dxheat2flrig #dxheat #dxheatcom #hamradio #ham #amateurfunk #flrig
#dxheat2flrig #dxheat #dxheatcom #hamradio #ham #amateurfunk #flrig
I've noticed a bit of odd behavior with the #G90 using #FLrig. The SWR readout on FLrig shows either 0 if the real SWR on the radio is near 1 or shows ∞ if the real SWR on the radio is over about 1.2 or 1.3.
Must be not using the correct CAT commands for the full range of display values or something.
Anyone on here have experience setting up a #rigblaster #plugAndPlay with #flrig on Windows? I cannot get PTT to work correctly. Rigblaster manual says use RTS, but any combination of settings either doesn't trigger PTT, intermittently triggers it, or turns it on and won't turn it off. Radio is an IC706MkIIG, if that matters.
#rigblaster #plugAndPlay #flrig
Also, having #log4om just watch adif files created by #js8call and #jtdx is SO MUCH easier than trying to get tcp stuff to work.
And now I have log4om writing an adif that #gridTracker will read on startup.
Next up: why doesn't log4om keep the #flrig connection alive? :alex_grimace:
#flrig #GridTracker #jtdx #js8call #log4om