#fluffymusic n°441 : Gaerea - Deluge
I'm in love witr the latest Gaerea album. It's made of powerful #blackMetal songs. There is a real intensity in them.
#fluffymusic #blackmetal #metal #Gaerea
#fluffymusic n°440 : Yoko Takahashi - metamorphose
I wanted to know who was the artist behind A Cruel Angel's Thesis, Evangelion opening music. It turns out she is Yoko Takahashi, who also sang metamorphose, which another song I love : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSCsOPI1aKo
#fluffymusic #yokotakahashi #anime #jpop
#fluffymusic n°439 : Tribulation - Strange Gateway Beckons
To be honest, this is the only #Tribulation that I have listened to, but I have been doing so for about seven years now.
#fluffymusic #tribulation #blackmetal #metal
#fluffymusic n°438 : Mane In Green - Dome Eternal
Mane In Green's produces some nice folk-ish/orchestral music. This one has been made for the jam game https://tobler0ne.itch.io/dome-eternal
#fluffymusic #soundtrack #orchestral #maneInGreen
#fluffymusic n°437 : In Flames - My Sweet Shadow
I should probably listen more to #inFlames, as I really love My Sweet Shadow. There is a lot of energy in this song, and it's well sang, with some electronic elements in the background.
#fluffymusic #inflames #metal #deathmetal #melodicdeathmetal
#fluffymusic n°436 : Moscow Death Brigade - Brother & Sisterhood
This is one of the #MoscowDeathBrigade song which puts me in a dancing mood. It's full of energy, really nice !
#fluffymusic #MoscowDeathBrigade #hiphop #punk
#fluffymusic n°435 : Phie - Ma colère est sourde, j'ai besoin de calme
I really enjoy listening to @phie playing the piano.
#fluffymusic #phielaidmignon #piano
#fluffymusic n°434 : Caladan Brood - Book of the Fallen
Echoes of the Battle, the only album of Caladan Brood is a true masterpiece. Shield Anvil (Jake Rogers) has also made the one-man-band Gallowbraid.
#blackMetal #metal #epicBlackMetal
#fluffymusic #blackmetal #metal #epicBlackMetal
#fluffymusic n°433 : Mumble Etc. - BBDFF
Right now, I quite enjoy the mood of this music. Quite sad (with dark lyrics), but still soothing as well.
#fluffymusic #mumbleetc #generalmumble #Koa #mylittlepony #electro
#fluffymusic n°432 : Brian David Gilbert & Jonah Scott
I really enjoy listening to #brianDavidGilbert's songs overall, but I find this one is one of the very best. I really love it, as both the story, the singing, the accompanying music by #jonahScott and the video are awesome !
#fluffymusic #BrianDavidGilbert #jonahScott #folk
#fluffymusic n°431 : kuraine - Summit (No More Running Mix)
This part of Celeste B-Sides, and the original song is great, but I think I enjoy this remix even more.
#fluffymusic #kuraine #celeste #electro
#fluffymusic n°430 : David Hasselhoff - True Survivor
An absolute hit music from one of the best film ever.
#fluffymusic #davidhasselhoff #synthwave
#fluffymusic n°429 : Brian David Gilbert (feat. Karen Han) - we like watching birds
We like watching birds !
#fluffymusic #BrianDavidGilbert #bdg #karenHan #birdwatching
#fluffymusic n°428 : Lena Raine - Resurrections
I think this is my favourite track from Celeste Original Soundtrack. It puts me on the verge of tears.
#fluffymusic #electro #soundtrack #lenaRaine
#fluffymusic n°427 : Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red
Still some #Nightwish, with this more slow-paced song.
#fluffymusic #nightwish #metal #symphonicmetal
#fluffymusic n°426 : Nightwish - Over the Hills and Far Away
This is the first song from #Nightwish I've ever heard, and one of my first metal song. And I enjoy the pace and the singing in it.
#fluffymusic #nightwish #metal #powermetal
#fluffymusic n°425 : Violet Cold - Working Class
I really enjoy listening to Violet Cold, and Working Class is probably my favourite of their songs. It combines atmospheric metal with more traditional instruments.
The album is available here : https://violetcold.bandcamp.com/album/empire-of-love
#fluffymusic #metal #blackmetal #atmosphericblackmetal
#fluffymusic n°424 : Ruinas/raíces - Mis ríos abiertos, cayendo en tu abismo
This is one of the first album I discovered on a RABM blog. And it's a really nice atmospheric Black Metal.
#fluffymusic #ruinas #atmosphericblackmetal #rabm #blackmetal
#fluffymusic n°423 : In This Moment - Blood
I've discovered #InThisMoment quite some years ago, probably with Blood, and I really love this song.
[cw : the clip is a bit disturbing and contains blood and some gory stuff]
#fluffymusic #inthismoment #heavymetal #industrial
#fluffymusic n°422 : 3D63 - Soft Millenium
I really enjoy Analog Hack and this kind of #synthwave. Really a great song before going to bed.
#fluffymusic #synthwave #electro #3d63