**Eurofurence preparations – let the crazy start**
We returned from or short vacation.
Truck and transportation
The car is getting new tires at the moment.We may have to add a lot of boxes of non #DealersDen show-related cargo for EF because someone else will not be able to dri
#ConventionsAndFurmeets #BadWolf #Eurofurence #ExoticErotics #FlurbMe #FurryStyle #SidewinderCreations #Zetacreations
#dealersden #conventionsandfurmeets #badwolf #eurofurence #exoticerotics #flurbme #furrystyle #sidewindercreations #zetacreations
**New: Orca Dick (XL)**
Sorry.There was a mixup and we accidentally published the Orca XXL under the name of the Orca XL.This is the real Orca Dick (XL) now.Especially in comparison with the "Orca Large" and the Orca Dick (XXL)
#ShinyNewProducts #FlurbMe
**New: Orca Dick (XL)**
After the Tailraiser Orca,we added a european competitor to the "Orca Large":The Orca Dick (XL)(Sorry, we had to ask FlurbMe to not end up with two identically named toys.)
It is ever so slightly larger, features a nice coloring for a near identical price (at current USD exchange rates) and of cause can be restocked faster.
#ShinyNewProducts #FlurbMe
**New: Tailraiser Orca**
We are adding a new humpable tail plut to our lineup:
Like the Dragon Tailer with the Draggy,The Tailraiser Orca is an insertable version of the Humpcafor use with your partner.
Of cause you will be able to see all the new toys at our table in the Eurofurence 27 Dealers Den.
Tailraiser Orca
Here you can see the other options:
#ShinyNewProducts #FlurbMe
**Flurb Me restocked**
The recently announced delivery by FurbMe just arrived.All toys except 2 are back in stock now.
The Draggy
#DisturbingDildoDeliveries #FlurbMe
#disturbingdildodeliveries #flurbme
**New delivery by FlurbMe on it’s way**
A new delivery by Flurb Me is on it's way. You can track it here.
The VixenMaker is a buttplug that a humpable vixen of medium 'Fantastically Fuckable' size and the default soft firmness.
The MareMaker is the same for a mare.
And the PonyMaker the same for a stallion.
#DisturbingDildoDeliveries #FlurbMe
#disturbingdildodeliveries #flurbme
**New: Dragon Tailer (Large)**
We added a new toy to our shop:The Dragon Tailer.Even though made out of very soft material,despite it's low usable length of just 10cm,with 7.3cm diameter (23cm circumfence) it still belongs into our "regular" size category.
#ShinyNewProducts #FlurbMe
Flurb Me restocked
The recently announced delivery by FurbMe just arrived.As usual with FlurbMe, everything is back in stock now. We have also received some new toy that we now need to first make photos of.
The Draggy
#DisturbingDildoDeliveries #FlurbMe
#disturbingdildodeliveries #flurbme
New delivery by FlurbMe on it’s way
A new delivery by Flurb Me is on it's way. You can track it here.
The VixenMaker is a buttplug that a humpable vixen of medium 'Fantastically Fuckable' size and the default soft firmness.
The MareMaker is the same for a mare.
And the PonyMaker the same for a stallion.
#DisturbingDildoDeliveries #FlurbMe
#disturbingdildodeliveries #flurbme
Reordered from FlurbMe and a minor price increase
Looks like we're running out of FlurbMe toys (particularly Humpcas).Just placed and order to fix that.Sadly prices have increased by a few percent and we are obliged to follow suit.
#DisturbingDildoDeliveries #FlurbMe
#disturbingdildodeliveries #flurbme