as the out of the blue #veilid #flutter guy people are DM'ning me lately. good thing to know before asking:
veilid is nothing like secure scuttlebutt or even mastodon. there is no social media layer, you have to code that yourself. what you get now is anon routing (nice!) and a prototype of kademlia style DHT. veilid is promising and the community is nice but you have to get Coding.
Ubuntu 23.10: uno sguardo al nuovo App Center scritto in flutter
#ubuntu #linux #flutter #snap #marcosbox #UnoLinux
Diamo uno sguardo al nuovo App Center scritto in flutter che troviamo preinstallato sulla versione in sviluppo di Ubuntu 23.10 a partire dalla build giornaliera dell`11 settembre 2023.
#ubuntu #linux #flutter #snap #marcosbox #unolinux
Во всей этой "битве центров приложений", #Ubuntu представляет свой новый Snap Store, который ну в этот раз точно не должен быть тормозным **овном...
Однако.. что там с #Flatpak или опять надо будет 2 менеджера приложений иметь (конечно же надо будет)
Снова впрос про #Flutter. #Ubuntu выбрали Flutter как новый удобный сеханихм отрисовки интерфейсов. Однако нельзя не зметить. что такие приложения всё таки смотрятся не нативно
Flutter приложения в #Gnome смотрятся не родными.
И это наводит на мысли. Либо разработчики снова грезят планами написать свой собсвенный DE для Ubuntu
Либо они полностью потеряли интерес к десктопу и делают как быстрее, а не как нативнее и правильнее
#ubuntu #flatpak #flutter #gnome
After having programmed Android apps with native Java, Xamarin, Xamarin Forms/Maui and now #Flutter, I have to say Flutter is by far the superior framework. Especially if you know React. And the tooling with VS Code is great.
is anyone maybe looking to hire a senior #Flutter software maker? 👀
i'm considering part-time or full-time positions. part-time is preferable
Planificando un taller de #Flutter, hablemos sobre objetivos, expectativas y requisitos, #learningToFly
De #flutter van man werkt behoorlijk goed, alleen zou hij voor optimaal resultaat door neus moeten inademen, maar dat gaat niet door neusschot dat jaar of 40 terug onder oogkas geslagen , toen teruggetrokken en opgevuld met plastic is. Kan ook maar op 1 kant slapen, anders geen lucht/adem door neus wat weer resulteert in slijmophoping door het door de mond ademen in de nacht.
- By the way, #Veilid is leaning into #Flutter as the cross-platform app framework of the future, which is a good and entirely correct choice. But the portability of #Rust also means you can use it anywhere you can rustle up some FFI.
- Veilid doesn’t use IP or DNS, except for a one-time lookup when you bootstrap a node. It does use TCP and UDP, but nodes are theoretically untraceable. Lots of good threat modeling went into this thing and it shows.
I'm gonna be writing a lib for platform/native spell checking in #Flutter live on shortly; join in if interested!
#flutter #flutterdev #livecoding
Drawing some characters for what could be a video game...?
Using #inkscape to port as SVG layers, set up rigs, build with #flutter + #flame
Blender looks far too complicated and unfriendly to 2D animated imagery, even with #greasepencil and UPBGE. But I can do animated shorts with it. That's nice.
#greasepencil #flame #flutter #inkscape
J'ai joué à essayer de compiler une appli #Flutter pour #PostmarketOS sur #ARMv8 (#Pinephone acheté en #Ğ1), mais entre la version du sdk #Dart, la std #musl, je ne m'en suis pas sorti ><
#musl #dart #g1 #pinephone #armv8 #postmarketos #flutter
Any Dartisans out there considering exploring 🤗 Hugging Face models from Dart code this might help :-
My #swift bindings for #flutter are now public: and
It can't do much at the moment besides the regular Flutter hello world app. If anyone wants to try, hmu and I'll give you instructions.
It currently runs on #linux desktop, #android (cross compiled from Linux only), #macos and #ios (requires Xcode 15 beta)
#swift #flutter #linux #android #macos #iOS