USGS Study Estimating A Monetary Value For Floodplain Ecosystem Services In The Chesapeake Bay And Delaware River Watersheds
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #lossanddamage #lossadjusting #Hazus #ChesapeakeBay #DelawareRiver
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #LossAndDamage #lossadjusting #hazus #ChesapeakeBay #delawareriver
The Impact Of Vegetation On Meandering Rivers
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrology #river #meanders #anthropocene #vegetation #processmodeling #model #modeling #plants #trees #carboncycle #Palaeozoic #evolution #fluvial #fluvialgeomorphology #geomorphology #channel #channelisation #rivergeomorphology #impact #humanimpact #climatechange #climate #carbondioxide #anthropogenic #changes #biodiversity #aridification #dynamics #geology #soilscience #riverbanks #erosion #sedimentation #floodplain #urbanisation #deforestation #pollution #ancient #landscape #watershed #biogeochemistry #morphometry #geomorphometry
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrology #river #meanders #anthropocene #vegetation #processmodeling #model #modeling #Plants #trees #carboncycle #palaeozoic #evolution #fluvial #fluvialgeomorphology #geomorphology #channel #channelisation #rivergeomorphology #impact #humanimpact #climatechange #climate #carbondioxide #anthropogenic #changes #biodiversity #aridification #Dynamics #geology #soilscience #riverbanks #erosion #sedimentation #floodplain #urbanisation #deforestation #pollution #ancient #landscape #Watershed #biogeochemistry #morphometry #geomorphometry
The Fluvial Geomorphology Equivalent Of ‘Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny’?
-- <-- USGS’s 3DEP’s open data for elevation
This is a ‘quick and dirty’ visualisation I made the other day with 3DEP iFSAR data to get a better sense of the fluvial geomorphology up in this area of NE Alaska near Kaktovik/Gordon, it is amazing what pops...
Lay over some hydrology vectors, some of the underlying geology boundaries, etc - and the landforms become much easier to understand in terms of origin and development - the geomorphic/hydrologic/erosional/geologic/vegetative/etc equivalent of biology's “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”?
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Alaska #USA #3DEP #opendata #elevation #iFSAR #remotesensing #radar #visualisation #fluvial #hydrology #geology #erosion #geomorphology #ontogeny #phylogeny #landforms #origin #development #vegetation #appliedscience
#gis #spatial #mapping #alaska #USA #3dep #opendata #elevation #ifsar #remotesensing #radar #visualisation #fluvial #hydrology #geology #erosion #geomorphology #ontogeny #phylogeny #landforms #origin #development #vegetation #appliedscience
Simple but effective animation of a river as it meanders and erodes...
[source unknown]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #river #erosion #meanders #riverine #animation #hydrology #water #visualisation #fluvial #sedimentation #model #modeling
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #river #erosion #meanders #riverine #animation #hydrology #water #visualisation #fluvial #sedimentation #model #modeling
In this article we describe the natural #hydrogeomorphological and #biogeochemical cycles of dryland #fluvial #ecosystems that make them unique, yet vulnerable to land use activities and #climatechange. We introduce Natural Infrastructure in Dryland Streams (NIDS), which are structures naturally or anthropogenically created from earth, wood, debris, or rock that can restore implicit function of these systems. #water
#hydrogeomorphological #biogeochemical #fluvial #ecosystems #climatechange #water
In this article we describe the natural #hydrogeomorphological and #biogeochemical cycles of dryland #fluvial #ecosystems that make them unique, yet vulnerable to land use activities and #climatechange. We introduce Natural Infrastructure in Dryland Streams (NIDS), which are structures naturally or anthropogenically created from earth, wood, debris, or rock that can restore implicit function of these systems. #water
#Water #ClimateChange #ecosystems #fluvial #biogeochemical #hydrogeomorphological
New Interactive Mosaic Uses NASA Imagery To Show Mars In Vivid Detail
-- <-- The Global CTX Mosaic of Mars online interactive map
-- <-- JPL press release
[since I am on a spatial Mars ‘kick’…]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #RedPlanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #ReconnaissanceOrbiter #MRO #ContextCamera #CTX #HiRISE #MARCI #GlobalSurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #map #water #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation
#CalTech #JPL #NASA
#gis #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #redplanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #reconnaissanceorbiter #mro #contextcamera #ctx #hirise #marci #globalsurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation #caltech #JPL #NASA
Sinuous Channels East Of Olympus Mons, Mars - Implications For Volcanic, Hydrological, And Tectonic Processes
-- <-- paper
• [They] mapped channels and fossae within the volcanic plains east of Olympus Mons.
• Late Amazonian channels east of Olympus Mons formed by eruptions of lava or water.
• Fossae morphologies correspond to episodes of magmatic dike and sill emplacement.
• Loading of Olympus Mons may control magmatic ascent processes and eruption types..."
#GIS #spatial #mapping #volcanism #tectonics #Mars #surface #interior #geologicalprocesses #remotesensing #map #geology #extraterrestrial ##OlympusMons #volcanic #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #lava #fossae #morphology #geomorphology #magma #dike #sill #eruption #plains #traps #facies #map #survey #fluvial #bedrock #erosion #weathering #groundwater #surfacewater #regolith #lahar #meltwater #snow #ice #isostatic #HiRISE #CTX #imagery #chronostratigraphic #model #modeling #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #volcanism #tectonics #Mars #surface #interior #geologicalprocesses #remotesensing #map #geology #Extraterrestrial #olympusmons #volcanic #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #lava #fossae #Morphology #geomorphology #magma #dike #sill #eruption #plains #traps #facies #survey #fluvial #Bedrock #erosion #weathering #groundwater #surfacewater #regolith #lahar #meltwater #snow #ice #isostatic #hirise #ctx #imagery #chronostratigraphic #model #modeling #gischat
Join us at the biggest internationally renowned #fluvial conference this summer in #Italy!😁🌍
Submit abstracts to our session "#Anthropocene #Rivers" on #anthropogenic modification & pollution of Earths rivers:
📢DEADLINE 20th Feb!
More info:
#fluvial #italy #anthropocene #rivers #anthropogenic #icfs23
Long-Lived Lakes Reveal A History Of Water On Mars
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• A detailed local study of a system of seven previously unknown palaeolakes near the dichotomy in western Arabia Terra, Mars
• High resolution topographic data aids in identification and characterization of palaeolakes and regional hydrological history
• Evidence for a prolonged history of fluvial and lacustrine processes, with palaeolakes fed by groundwater and surface accumulation... "
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #hydrology #paleolakes #lakes #lacustrine #imagery #elevation #DEM #height #basins #solarsystem #topography #geomorphology #spatialanalysis #groundwater #surfacewater #erosion #network #waterflow #flow #fluvial #lacustrine #delta #surfacefeatures #water #HiRISE #MOLAR #LiDAR
#gis #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #hydrology #paleolakes #lakes #lacustrine #imagery #elevation #dem #height #basins #solarsystem #topography #geomorphology #spatialanalysis #groundwater #surfacewater #erosion #network #waterflow #flow #fluvial #delta #surfacefeatures #water #hirise #molar #lidar
Le transport fluvial est un levier majeur pour décarboner le transport de marchandises. Il dispose d'atouts environnementaux et économiques. lance une campagne de promotion du transport fluvial car une autre voie est possible.
#Fluvial #Transport
This is my #introduction :
I have a PhD in #geology from #OregonStateUniversity , my research interests are #TectonicGeomorphology and #QuaternaryStratigraphy, working with #fluvial deposits to interpret landscape evolution. I ❤️geoscience education.
Work- FT faculty at Portland CC.
Mexican-American. I am married and have 2 kids & 2 dogs. I love to ride bikes (#mtb #gravel #road). Music I ❤️ ranges from doom metal to cumbia. Buddhism makes sense to me.
I run @trailside_geology on IG.
#introduction #geology #OregonStateUniversity #tectonicgeomorphology #quaternarystratigraphy #fluvial #mtb #gravel #road
Més del 50 % de la xarxa #fluvial mundial està formada per rius temporals o intermitents. Aquests #rius presenten una alta variabilitat, tant espacial com temporal.
Un estudi liderat per investigadors de la #UniBarcelona ha identificat organismes com ara insectes o altres invertebrats aquàtics que podrien servir per avaluar l’impacte humà en la qualitat de les #aigües d’aquests rius.
#recerca #fluvial #rius #UniBarcelona #aigues