Dieter Schnebel: Visible Music II: Zeitbilder, Solo für einen Dirigenten/time pictures, solo for a conductor, 1961-62. More information: Dreher, Thomas: "Après John Cage": Zeit in der Kunst der sechziger Jahre. In: Bischoff, Ulrich (ed.): Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung: John Cage und die Moderne. Cat. of exhib. Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst, Munich 1991, p.61f., ill.4. PDF: #dieterschnebel #fluxus #fluxusartist #thomasdreher #musicalnotation #sixtiesmusic #performanceart
#performanceart #sixtiesmusic #musicalnotation #thomasdreher #fluxusartist #Fluxus #dieterschnebel
Henry Flynt: Concept Art, 1963. In: Mac Low_Jackson/Young, La Monte (ed.): An Anthology of Chance Operations, New York 1963, unpaginated. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Konzeptuelle Kunst in Amerika und England 1963-1976, chapter Fluxus und "Concept Art". Internet: #henryflynt #thomasdreher #fluxus #fluxusart #fluxusartist #fluxusanthology #conceptart #conceptartist #conceptartwork #conceptualart #conceptualartist #conceptualartworks #arttheory #sixtiesart
#sixtiesart #arttheory #conceptualartworks #conceptualartist #conceptualart #conceptartwork #conceptartist #conceptart #fluxusanthology #fluxusartist #fluxusart #Fluxus #thomasdreher #henryflynt
George Brecht: Word Event: Exit, 1961. Event card and two realisations. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art nach 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia. Munich 2001, p.123,126f. PDF:
#georgebrecht #eventcard #fluxus #fluxusart #fluxusartist #performanceart #performanceartist #performanceartists #happenings #thomasdreher
#thomasdreher #happenings #performanceartists #performanceartist #performanceart #fluxusartist #fluxusart #Fluxus #eventcard #georgebrecht