AC-DC Converter is Reliable, Safe, and Efficient - When first starting an electronics project, it’s not uncommon to dive right in to ... - #switched-modepowersupply #flybackconverter #switchedmode #powersupply #transformer #hardware #flyback #smps
#smps #flyback #hardware #transformer #powersupply #switchedmode #flybackconverter #switched
The Primordial Soup’s On With This Modified Miller-Urey Experiment - It’s a pretty sure bet that anyone who survived high school biology has heard abou... - #chemistryhacks #abiogenesis #miller-urey #formicacid #primordial #arduino #flyback #plasma
#plasma #flyback #arduino #primordial #formicacid #miller #abiogenesis #chemistryhacks
Real Radar Scope CRT Shows Flights Using ADS-B #Retrocomputing #flighttracking #persistence #RadpberryPi #MiscHacks #dump1090 #phosphor #flyback #ads-b #radar #5FP7 #sdr
#Retrocomputing #flighttracking #persistence #radpberrypi #MiscHacks #dump1090 #phosphor #flyback #ads #radar #5fp7 #sdr
Real Radar Scope CRT Shows Flights Using ADS-B - Real-time flight data used to be something that was only available to air traffic ... - #retrocomputing #flighttracking #persistence #radpberrypi #mischacks #dump1090 #phosphor #flyback #ads-b #radar #5fp7 #sdr
#sdr #5fp7 #radar #ads #flyback #phosphor #dump1090 #mischacks #radpberrypi #persistence #flighttracking #retrocomputing
Enjoy the Beauty of Corona Discharge with This Kirlian Photography Setup - In our age of pervasive digital media, “pics or it didn’t happen” is a common enou... - #highvoltage #dielectric #mischacks #discharge #teslacoil #flyback #kirlian #corona #zvs #hv
#hv #zvs #corona #kirlian #flyback #teslacoil #discharge #mischacks #dielectric #highvoltage
Enjoy the Beauty of Corona Discharge with This Kirlian Photography Setup
#highvoltage #dielectric #MiscHacks #discharge #teslacoil #flyback #kirlian #corona #ZVS #hv
#highvoltage #dielectric #MiscHacks #discharge #teslacoil #flyback #kirlian #corona #ZVS #hv
#critical #race #theory #CRT #school #science #protest #antitest #vacuum #video #phosphor
#DontReadWatchTheTube #burnbooks #flyback #transformer
The truth is...
"Youtube" is derived from CRT.
#TruthBeTold = A statement that is logically or literally true (or partly true), but seems to imply something that isn’t true or is just plain weird. (for rhetoric, logic or propaganda studies… or just for fun)
(image:, CC-BY-2.0)
#critical #theory #AntiTest #vacuum #video #phosphor #DontReadWatchTheTube #flyback #transformer #truthbetold #race #crt #school #science #protest #burnbooks