I'm now downloading my fly by wire traffic add on update. This will take a while. I really love this over AIG as it sounds awesome, and just works, especially when you have the api key from I can't remember where now.
#FlyingBlind #Fs20 #FlightSimulation #FlyByWire #FBW
#fbw #flybywire #flightsimulation #FS20 #flyingBlind
As we approach the summer, my interest for my biggest hobby tends to decrease. I blame lack of purpose in the flights and lack of motivation to start projects that I´ll have to abandon during my summer absence.
Yet I can never stay away from it for too long.
Today some airliner chill.
#msfs #cohost #pcgaming #flybywire #gaming #flightsim
Presente y futuro del Freeware en #MSFS2020 : Aquí encontrareis un amplio artículo sobre #FlyByWire , un proyecto colaborativo que ya ha dado a luz un excelente #A320 y está en proceso de construir un esperadísimo #A380
#msfs2020 #flybywire #a320 #a380
#FlyByWire ha publicado un Flight Test de su esperadísimo A380 para #FlightSimulator #MSFS2020. Aún no está disponible pero aquí podréis ver cómo es de espectacular.
#flybywire #flightsimulator #msfs2020