It's always #FlydayFriday somewhere
Probably Adejeania vexatrix, in Colorado
I think some of you all are rubbing off on me, because this is now the second time I've found some friends for #FlydayFriday. Meet Jem and Kel, a pair of Western aphideaters (right?) ISO flat, open flowers, western winds, and a little time together on the trail.
Happy #FlyDay This shot cost me dearly and I nearly dropped my camera. It was rushed and therefore poorly lit and framed, but those eyes are cool as hell. If you listen close enough, you just might hear the next word that came out of my mouth...
#flyday #flydayfriday #diptera #insects #nature #photography
Bonus: Green bottle fly making plans to bottle some berries. #FlydayFriday #Oregon
Good morning! I think this is a bee fly? Xe was enjoying sunbathing on the leaves of a rising sun redbud (which is a wonderful tree not done justice by this photo).
Also, in digging around trying to identify a creature outside my general ken, I read that "bee flies lack pollen baskets," so now I know pollen baskets are a thing, and I would like some for my own legs, thanks very much.
It's #FlydayFriday! Here's a picture-winged fly (family Ulidiidae) I recently found in a community garden.
#flydayfriday #flyday #flyfriday #insects #flies #Diptera #Ulidiidae
#FlyDayFriday Photo Dump
Starting with a rarely observed Moth fly (Setomima sp), Next a wasp mimicking stilt legged fly (Rainieria antennaepes), followed by a green calypterate, and finally, what I believe to be Neogriphoneura sordida.
#flydayfriday #insects #nature #diptera #flyday
It's #FlyFriday! Show me your flies so I can boost!
Please enjoy this yellow fellow I spotted last week in a park garden.
#flyfriday #flyday #flydayfriday #insects #flies #Diptera
preview for #FlyDayFriday
A very tiny robber fly (Atomosia puella) slurping a hopper juice box
#flydayfriday #flyday #diptera #insects #nature
TGI #FlyDay
I believe these are Humpbacked flie (Phoridae) perhaps in the genus Megaselia. This is a very diverse group and could be parasitoids or parasites of plants or animals. Some have even been know to breed in decaying matter. If anyone knows more about these particular ones, please let me know.
#flyday #flydayfriday #diptera #insects #macro
Not a great shot and needed a lot of enhancement, but I had to post it. I thought I was shooting a large bee, buzzing loudly. It was big enough that my camera was able to focus on it in the air. When I saw the photo on the computer, I noticed two heads. Then I realized the different types antennas. Soon after this shot it flew away. The genus is known as Bee Killers. I can see why. Mallophora fautrix
#flydayfriday #macrophotography #fly #bee #insect
Happy #FlyDay
This is in the genus of Rivellia part of a group known as the signal flies. I think most in this genus are root borers, but the adults are often found on flowers and poop.
#flyday #flydayfriday #nature #photography #diptera
Thank God It's #FlydayFriday! These tiny little gold-and-black flies were surprisingly fearless, letting me get up close to photograph them. They are apparently leaf-miner flies (family Agromyzidae), a family I didn't know existed…but that goes for most fly families.
#flydayfriday #flyfriday #insects #flies #Diptera #agromyzidae #macro
Happy #FlyDay This is really the only view I got of this fly so I don't even know what kind it is. I presume it's a flesh fly. Please let me know if you have a better suggestion.
#flyday #flydayfriday #diptera
This small, black mystery fly appeared to be laying eggs into the leaf of a joe-pye-weed.
A nice morning for insects, light rain, overcast and warm.
#flydayfriday #flyday #flyfriday #macrophotography #insects
Happy #FlyDay Marsh flies (Dictya sp.) usually eat snails and slugs as maggots. Then they grow up to be these gorgeous flies all dressed up for a '30s themed party. I especially love the feathery arista on this one.
#flyday #flydayfriday #macro #nature #photography #insects #diptera
#FlydayFriday: an _Anthomyia_ fly, I think. I call them "zebra flies" to myself because of their black-and-white striped abdomens.
#flydayfriday #flyfriday #insects #flies #Diptera #macro
#FlyDayFriday continued...
May I introduce the Narcissus Bulb Fly (Merodon equestris). It is not native, but I don't believe it is much of a pest. It, as its name implies, is found around daffodils.
#flydayfriday #nature #macro #insects #flyday
Its still #FlyDayFriday right? I've gotten pics of some less common flies recently, but this Picture window fly (Delphinia picta) turned out nicely.
#flydayfriday #flyday #macro #insects