~ Flyer Friday ~
two raging gigs going down this weekend
Saturday at your favourite secret venue in Leeds & Sunday at the 1in12Club in Bradford
Plus! a heads-up about the #Firefriend tour, put those dates in your diary, don't miss your new favourite band from Brazil
#FlyerFriday #GigFlyers #EphemeralArt #Punk #LeedsGigs #DamagedGoods #SecretVenue #BradforddGigs #1in12Club #TheShits #IronDrugs #NaturalCauses #TheReflectingSkin #Paranoid #RevivalofDeath #Votiv #TCCL
#firefriend #flyerfriday #gigflyers #ephemeralart #punk #leedsgigs #damagedgoods #secretvenue #bradforddgigs #1in12club #theshits #irondrugs #naturalcauses #thereflectingskin #paranoid #revivalofdeath #votiv #tccl
~ Flyer Friday ~
some upcoming gigs in Leeds during March and April
#FlyerFriday #GigFlyers #EphemeralArt #Punk #Electronica #LeedsGigs #DamagedGoods #ScrewGallery
#flyerfriday #gigflyers #ephemeralart #punk #electronica #leedsgigs #damagedgoods #screwgallery
~ Flyer Friday ~
some great upcoming gigs in Leeds during February and March
#FlyerFriday #LeedsGigs #IndreKrig #MortuarySpawn #Motive #PestControl #Mastermind #StiffMeds #LawfulKilling #Imposter #Fate #MachiavellianArt #OnaSnop #Votiv #Nailbreaker #Fetlar #Distort #AnglerfishHC #UKHC #GigFlyer #EphemeralArt #GraphicDesign
#flyerfriday #leedsgigs #indrekrig #mortuaryspawn #motive #pestcontrol #Mastermind #stiffmeds #lawfulkilling #imposter #fate #machiavellianart #onasnop #votiv #nailbreaker #fetlar #distort #anglerfishhc #ukhc #gigflyer #ephemeralart #graphicdesign
~ Flyer Friday ~
lots of great gigs happening in Leeds
#MortuarySpawn #CoffinMulch #StiffMeds #Migraines #GorillaCake #Keno #FAxFO #TheAnnihilated #TSWarspite #LastOrders #Churchgoers #Fixer #Motive #Distort #TheSocial #Geval #BloodFeud #PestControl #LawfulKilling #Fate #DRI #Pegboy #TheFlex #MDC #ToxicReasons #FUs #Rivalry #TheSexManiacs #Voorhees #TheWelchBoys #ZeroAgain #FastBlood #DamagedGoodsLeeds #BoomLeeds #UKHC #LeedsGigs #FlyerFriday
#mortuaryspawn #coffinmulch #stiffmeds #migraines #gorillacake #keno #faxfo #theannihilated #tswarspite #lastorders #churchgoers #fixer #motive #distort #thesocial #geval #bloodfeud #pestcontrol #lawfulkilling #fate #dri #pegboy #theflex #mdc #toxicreasons #fus #rivalry #thesexmaniacs #voorhees #thewelchboys #zeroagain #fastblood #damagedgoodsleeds #boomleeds #ukhc #leedsgigs #flyerfriday
RT @janewiedlin@twitter.com
Itβs #flyerfriday !! π
π¦π: https://twitter.com/janewiedlin/status/1601300787027922944