7 Most Obscure Philadelphia Flyers’ Records
Over the course of the Philadelphia Flyers' history, there have been many odd and all but unbreakable records set. Some of them, like Dave "The Hammer" Schultz's 472 penalty minutes are essentially unbreakable, yet pretty well known. But which records are the...
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#FlyersHistory #AnteroNiittymaki #BobbyClarke #EricLindros #MarkHowe
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#flyershistory #anteroniittymaki #BobbyClarke #EricLindros #markhowe #nhl #hockey
Revisiting the Flyers’ 2017-18 Prospect Pool
Prior to the start of the 2017-18 season, the Philadelphia Flyers' prospect pool was highly regarded freshly off of a draft that saw them select with the second-overall pick. How have some of the top prospects in the pool fared?
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#FlyersHistory #HockeyHistory #CarterHart #MorganFrost #NolanPatrick #TravisSanheim
#NHL #Hockey
#flyershistory #hockeyhistory #carterhart #MorganFrost #nolanpatrick #TravisSanheim #nhl #hockey
Flyers’ 4 Best Wednesday Night Rivalry Games
When the NHL still had a partnership with NBC, they hosted a series dubbed 'Wednesday Night Rivalry' - later renamed to 'Wednesday Night Hockey' - every Wednesday from the 2012-13 season through 2020-21. These games featured some of the best rivalries in the sport, and the Philadelphia Flyers were no exceptio...
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Eric Lindros Trade Tree: Nordiques to Flyers
When the name Eric Lindros is mentioned, most people remember the dynamic winger that tormented the league as a member of the Philadelphia Flyers. Some others will say his trade is possibly the only time in NHL history where a team has moved away fro...
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#FlyersHistory #HockeyHistory #EricLindros #MikeKeane #PatrickRoy #PeterForsberg
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#flyershistory #hockeyhistory #EricLindros #mikekeane #patrickroy #PeterForsberg #nhl #hockey
3 Underappreciated Flyers’ Goaltenders Since 2000
For a while now, there has been dialogue that the Philadelphia Flyers' biggest weakness since the Ron Hextall era was their goaltending. Actually, they have had some pretty good ones in recent memory, with performances that have been pla...
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#FlyersGoaltending #FlyersHistory #MichaelLeighton #RomanCechmanek #SteveMason
#NHL #Hockey
#FlyersGoaltending #flyershistory #michaelleighton #romancechmanek #SteveMason #nhl #hockey
Flyers’ Mikael Renberg Trade Tree Still Helping NHL Teams Today
On Aug. 4, 1997, the Philadelphia Flyers made a move that seemed innocent at the time but is still seeing its impacts in the league today. It evolved into a trade tree with over 200 deals and several players still acti...
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#FlyersHistory #HockeyHistory #JeffCarter #MikaelRenberg #SeanCouturier #TageThompson
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#flyershistory #hockeyhistory #JeffCarter #mikaelrenberg #seancouturier #tagethompson #nhl #hockey
Flyers’ 5 Most Impressive Player Seasons in Franchise History
Over the 55-year history of the Philadelphia Flyers, there have been countless incredible individual efforts from players. Let's take at the five objective best seasons in the team's history.
Claude Giroux (2011-12)
There ...
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#FlyersHistory #BernieParent #BobbyClarke #ClaudeGiroux #EricLindros
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#flyershistory #bernieparent #BobbyClarke #ClaudeGiroux #EricLindros #nhl #hockey
Philadelphia Flyers’ History with the Pittsburgh Penguins
The rivalry in the Keystone State of Pennsylvania has been a treat for years. The Philadelphia Flyers and Pittsburgh Penguins have had a deep hatred for one another over their history. Highlighted by star players incl...
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#FlyersHistory #PenguinsHistory #ClaudeGiroux #EricLindros #EvgeniMalkin #SidneyCrosby
#NHL #Hockey
#flyershistory #PenguinsHistory #ClaudeGiroux #EricLindros #evgenimalkin #SidneyCrosby #nhl #hockey
Philadelphia Flyers’ History With the Montreal Canadiens
Both the Philadelphia Flyers and Montreal Canadiens have had their fair share of history, but the two teams have had some nasty interactions in the past. During its many peaks, the rivalry between the Flyers and Ca...
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#CanadiensHistory #FlyersHistory #EricDesjardins #JohnLeclair #MarkRecchi #ShayneCorson
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#CanadiensHistory #flyershistory #ericdesjardins #JohnLeclair #markrecchi #shaynecorson #nhl #hockey
Philadelphia Flyers’ Best Teams By Decade
Over the years, the Philadelphia Flyers have had some tremendous teams. Oftentimes, many of their great rosters are overlooked because of how successful the franchise was in its early history. To try to offset that, we will examine the objective best team in each decade - from the 1960s all the way t...
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Philadelphia Flyers’ History with the Toronto Maple Leafs
While not the biggest rivalry anymore, the Toronto Maple Leafs and Philadelphia Flyers have had their fair share of interactions over the years. From franchise-altering trades to theatrical line brawls, these two teams have a deep-r...
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#FlyersHistory #HockeyHistory #MapleLeafsHistory #DarrylSutter #RickMacLeish
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#flyershistory #hockeyhistory #MapleLeafsHistory #DarrylSutter #rickmacleish #nhl #hockey
Philadelphia Flyers Forgotten Franchise Heroes
In their history, the Philadelphia Flyers have had many players recognized for their greatness. However, not all of them have received the same love. Included are some very important pieces to the Orange and Black that are less remembered than others due to...
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#FlyersHistory #BobFroese #IlkkaSinisalo #PelleEklund #PeterZezel
#NHL #Hockey
#flyershistory #bobfroese #ilkkasinisalo #pelleeklund #peterzezel #nhl #hockey
WHA’s Philadelphia Blazers Epically Flamed Out 50 Years Ago
Though the traditional big four teams (the Eagles, Flyers, Phillies, and 76ers) dominate Philadelphia's sporting landscape, the city also has a rich history of franchises that do not quite “count.” Some have...
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#DefunctTeams #FlyersHistory #HockeyHistory #BobbyClarke #BobbyHull #DerekSanderson #WHA
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#defunctteams #flyershistory #hockeyhistory #BobbyClarke #bobbyhull #dereksanderson #wha #nhl #hockey