Welcome to Flying Blind! We take off from Minneapolis then descend into and land at Denver with I think a -191 landing. I'll 0take it. Man alive that was fun. The descent and takeofff were beautiful.
To view my website and see the talk where I land into KPHX go to http://flyingblind.us
#FlyingBlind #FlightSimulation #TalkingFlightMonitor #Accessibility #Msfs20
#flyingblind #flightsimulation #talkingflightmonitor #accessibility #msfs20
I just redid my #introductions for you all. I don't know if my #bio refreshes for those following me but here it is for those who don't have access to it. I basically added the hash tags I both follow and post to.
speaker at fsxbo2021, avid blind flight simmer, twitch streamer, youtuber. If you want to read my story, go to http://flyingblind.us
Here are the tags I both post on and follow.
#FlightSimulation #VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind #fs2020 #MSFS2020 #aviation #vatsim
#vatsim #aviation #MSFS2020 #fs2020 #flyingblind #vatsimtraining #flightsimulation #bio #introductions
“‘You can’t fly a plane blind.’ So they say. I am here to prove them wrong.” – Sarah Alawami (@ke7zum)
More: http://flyingblind.us/
#flyingBlind #SarahAlawami #pilot #flying #flight #sim #simulation
#flyingblind #sarahalawami #pilot #flying #flight #sim #simulation
landing into KMHC #MSFS20 #FlyingBlind
Do you want to talk to other aviation inthusiasts who also do flight simming? Do you want a forum where you can ask and get help if you are a beginner? look no further than our discord at http://d-pilot.flyingblind.us. #FlyingBlind #FlightSimulation. We will also be hopefully discussing next year's #FSXbo2023. Now would be a good time to join.
#fsxbo2023 #flightsimulation #flyingblind
I’ve figured out about 2% of how this place works, but that 2% allows me to post my daft brain-farts, so I’m happy enough for now. I guess I’ll pick up the rest as I go.
#mastodon #newsocial #flyingblind
#mastodon #newsocial #flyingblind