Nice thing about Newcastle Aerodrome is that when the active runway is 36, you can park right under the glideslope and watch everyone else landing :D
Must go back there some day when it's not pouring rain and do some sketching...
#flyinginireland #generalaviation
I mean... maybe there's a nice watercolour in there somewhere?
Something to noodle with..
Fly in summer, groundschool in winter, they used to say before climate change...
#flyinginireland #generalaviation #learningtofly
It was a busy day over in Newcastle aerodrome on Friday, prepping for the Special Day of Flying on Saturday. Gets a lot of disabled and special needs kids into aircraft and around the airfield and they get a lot out of it.
#generalaviation #flyinginireland
Wind was 16 gusting 27. Hardest day yet. Blown around like a shopping bag every time we were below 500 feet and I could not for the life of me get my head to settle down and just fly the airplane instead of fighting it all the time.
Oh well. Learning experience :D
#flyinginireland #learningtofly
"Y'know, if we charged students a tenner for landing fees, every time you did a circuit you'd owe us fifty quid...."
#learningtofly #flyinginireland
I don't understand. It's not sticking straight out and it's not pointing across the runway. Is it broken?
#flyinginireland #generalaviation #learningtofly
Was poking about looking at other people's panels today. A Beech 90 King Air, which I don't fit into the pilot's seat of 😢 , a Slingsby Firefly (drool), and the Viper SD-4 I'm training in.
#flyinginireland #generalaviation #vipersd4 #slingsbyfirefly #kingair
#flyinginireland #generalaviation #vipersd4 #slingsbyfirefly #kingair
Went to the airfield for a few minutes today (just to poke my head round the door because the covid fatigue is mild but still too real to go flying safely) and oh my the drooling...
#generalaviation #flyinginireland
This was so much fun. Nobody's flying today (Biden's visit has all the Dublin area airfields shut down with no-fly zones) and he wasn't really ready for starting an engine because of nerves, but five minutes of sitting in the left-hand seat and he was asking when we can go fly and annoyed that it'll be at least 18 months to two years :D
#generalaviation #flyinginireland #newcastleaerodrome #vipersd4
#generalaviation #flyinginireland #newcastleaerodrome #vipersd4