--- 2021 aktivistit vapautettiin useimmista syytteistä ja korvausvaatimuksista keskeisesti sillä perusteella että he toimivat ilmastokriisissä "tilanteen pakottamina".
#ilmasto #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos #noFly #flyingLess #Ranska
#ilmasto #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos #nofly #flyingless #Ranska
#ilmasto #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos #noFly #flyingLess #Ranska
suora kopio toisesta chätistä:
"En oo törmännyt aiemmin tähän mielenkiintoiseen keissiin enkä kuullu siitä puhuttavan, joten linkkaan.
2020 Lokakuussa Pariisissa aktivistit protestoi lentokentällä sen laajentamista vastaan ja mm. blokkasi parkkeeratun lentokoneen. Samaan aikaan oli aktioita 18 lentokentällä.
Hallitus julkisti myöhemmin peruuttavansa laajennushankkeen. --
#ilmasto #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos #nofly #flyingless #Ranska
Bye AVE. On the right side, you can see the tracks for the nonstop trains. The one-way trip from Barcelona was 19€ per person.
Valence TGV, #Drôme #France
#flyingless #AVE #CrossBorderRail #train
#train #CrossBorderRail #AVE #flyingless #france #drome
4 years of fasting on Fridays for the climate crisis. 4 years of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the climate emergency.
#degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #Wildfire #wildfires #flood #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow
#flyingless #drivingless #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #fasting #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #wildfire #wildfires #flood #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #flyingless #drivingless #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #fasting #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
@Ruth_Mottram Add a bike and a tent into the mix, and it's bliss! #FlyingLess
An addendum to this thread I made on travelling to Bergen for the #HCLIM23 meeting.
I'm feeling pretty happy about my efforts, but there are 2 scientists who travelled here by train and boat from *Ireland*.
Arrival in #Bergen. The next stage of my #TravelToHCLIM23 is a short 10 minute walk to the tram..
#flyingless #traveltohclim23 #Bergen
A morning thought:
In a car, it's difficult to do anything beyond very passive entertainment when travelling long distances, so it's hard to imagine that travel can be at all productive.
But yesterday's 5 hour train trip and evening on the ferry, was some of the most genuinely productive + creative time I've had all year.
The car/plane teaches us that travel is dead time, but the train shows its time we can use imaginatively.
End of part 1 of #TravelToHCLIM23. It's time to go and get settled on board folks, back online in Bergen tomorrow. Farewell from #Hirtshals
#CrossBorderRail #flyinglessseeingmore #flyingless #hirtshals #traveltohclim23
Well the lightning train was indeed only lightningish, but perfectly on time, so it's on to train number 3, the local service from #Aalborg to Hjørring with the magic word #Skagen down the side... (Not much sign of the famous Skagen light today, perhaps we need to get closer). This is actually the second time I will be in sneezing distance of the famous tip of #Denmark and I *still* haven't managed to visit...
#traveltohclim23 #CrossBorderRail #flyingless #Denmark #skagen #aalborg
I'm off to #Bergen to talk #RegionalClimateModels + specifically #HCLIM at the annual meeting of groups developing it. This time travelling by #CrossBorderRail - kind of. #NorwayFloods have caused all sorts of disruption to Norwegian rail, so I'm taking the other direction - a train to #Hirtshals + the ferry to Bergen.
I'm treating the long travel as a writing retreat as I have no fewer than 4 papers outstanding to work on.
The first train of many approaches...
#flyingless #hclim23 #hirtshals #norwayfloods #CrossBorderRail #HCLIM #RegionalClimateModels #Bergen
Pablo enjoying the Oslo fjord. He made it from the UK to Oslo by public transport despite Brexit & other hassles. Wish @Eurostar would accept our furry friends & family. #InternationalDogDay #flyingless
#flyingless #internationaldogday
jos päädyt maata pitkin ja ulkomaille
-tukholmasta pääsee yöjunalla hampuriin ja vice versa
-bussit voi olla vaihtoehto tietyille reiteille
-säätämistä se on
nimim. maatapitkin sveitsissä, portugalissa, kroatiassa ja itävallassa
#nofly #flyingless #maatapitkin
Trying to plan work trip to #Bergen for meeting and not for the first time, I'm left wondering why exactly the train connection between major Scandinavian cities is so awful ..?
#Copenhagen to #Oslo via #Göteborg requires a bus mostly. Where on earth is the #HighSpeedRail link?
#CrossBorderRail #internationalrail #flyingless #highspeedrail #goteborg #oslo #Copenhagen #Bergen
Looking forward to being part of the RGS-IBG Melbourne Hub on August 30 https://www.rgs.org/research/annual-international-conference/planning-your-attendance/hubs-at-the-conference/. I'll be chairing a great ECA panel on 'Impactful research careers in a time of converging crises.’ Then we join the main conf later for Chair's Plenary with Lauren Rickards and Svenja Keele. #ECR #ECA #flyingless #RGSIBG23 #ecrchat
#ecr #ECA #flyingless #rgsibg23 #ecrchat
Cool article about the Climate Perks idea in Bristol, where employees are rewarded with extra days off to holiday with low carbon transport like trains and ferries instead of flights. Really hoping this catches on more broadly.
Inizia la transumanza! Madrid - Italia by rail #FlyingLess #CrossBorderRail
1. Madrid - Marseille St. Charles AVE 09725
I was lucky to get a very cheap ticket, thanks to the discounts Renfe had when they announced the re-introduction of this relation some weeks ago. If I had bought it today, it would have costed €€€. Hopefully prices will go down and frequencies up before the planet is fried...
Shout out to #flyingless / #trainbubble / #StayGrounded folk 🚆. We're back in Edinburgh from the beautiful, chilled city of San Sebastian in 🇪🇸 #Euskadi / the Basque country , a shorter trip than my 6k km #InterRail last year ➡️ https://twitter.com/A_J_Millar/status/1543216298188050432. Just one, 13-minute delay in the whole return journey 👍 but #Eurostar check-in in London remains a pill, so much more #NetZero work to do! Details 👇 1/2
#netzero #Eurostar #Interrail #euskadi #staygrounded #trainbubble #flyingless
If we’re going to continue to have rapid long-distance travel, we need to do it in ways that are safer for the biosphere. That probably means slowing it down significantly, and reducing the volume of people doing it at any given time.
And I say this as an immigrant to Australia, with family in Canada who I deeply miss and am desperate to see in person.
#climateemergency #flyingless #flying #aviation #emissions
#Thanx4posting that notice that someone was arrested for asking for people to consider #FlyingLess