The gates opened and thousands of high European Honey Buzzards had no time to wait + 589 Booted #Eagles (pic), 256 Short-toed #Eagles, 278 Black #Kites, 114 Egyptian #Vultures, 112 Black and 284 White #Storks making the #14km crossing in front of our guests!
#eagles #kites #vultures #storks #14km #flywaybirding
Yesterday was a day of in your face #Eagles!
Whilst thousands of European Honey #Buzzards crossed despite the #levante wind Booted and Short-toed Eagles, Egyptian #Vultures and Black #Storks aborted attempts and cruised up the valley right in front of us.
A quick dash to welcome our group and back among the action with 300 European Honey Buzzards making a late crossing !
Here a stunning compact beauty of a Booted #Eagle expertly rides the Levante air currents!
#eagles #buzzards #levante #vultures #storks #eagle #flywaybirding
A last #Migratory flujo for our guests here y´day in The #Straits
Surrounded by swirling masses of European Honey #Buzzards, Black #Kites, Booted & Short-toed #Eagles, Black & White #Storks and Egyptian Vultures!
A superb week of #FlywayBirding!
#migratory #straits #buzzards #kites #eagles #storks #flywaybirding
I'm not crying you're crying!
Amazing moving power of #FlywayBirding yesterday on our #Migration tour!
569 White Storks cruised out to Africa just metres above our heads! 570 European Honey Buzzards powered through as 222 Booted Eagles, increasing numbers of Short-toed Eagles and 274 European Bee-eaters dodged the migrating Pallid and Common Swifts!
#flywaybirding #migration #thestraits
#Glorious rain y’day briefly slowing the passage of #Migratory #Birds !
Then a river of Birds! Booted & Short-toed Eagles & Egyptian Vultures danced through The #Straits as streams of European Honey Buzzards moved out joined by Common, Pallid & Alpine #Swifts!! #FlywayBirding
#glorious #migratory #birds #straits #swifts #flywaybirding
Whilst the #migratory flow continued over our assembled heads, a dead cow fed over 80 Eurasian Griffon Vultures near our watchpoint and this #vagrant Rüppell’s Vulture drifted in to our view for our guests !
Offshore 4 Fin Whales cruised to the west !
#FlywayBirding #DoYouFlyway #ingloriousbustards #AvianAfricaWeek
#migratory #vagrant #flywaybirding #doyouflyway #ingloriousbustards #avianafricaweek
Great #FlywayBirding action for our guests yesterday among the flow of #Migration for guests from @YCNature !
907 White #Storks, 941 Black #Kites, 121 European Honey Buzzards, 70 Short-toed Eagles, 94 Booted #Eagles, 6 Montagu’s #Harriers, 1,008 European Bee-eaters and more !
#flywaybirding #migration #storks #kites #eagles #harriers
Here we go again ! In the thick of it on the #FlywayHighway here in The #Straits of #Gibraltar, our home among the #migratory flow near #Tarifa ! 😊
Join us for your own #FlywayBirding adventure!
#flywayhighway #straits #gibraltar #migratory #tarifa #flywaybirding
Within just two hours of counting this morning ahead of meeting our guests from Yorkshire Coast Nature - we logged 2,954 Black Kites whilst European Honey Buzzards (pic) build in number alongside amassing Egyptian Vultures, Booted and Short-toed Eagles and European Bee-eaters providing the constant theme tune for this mesmerising #migration party!
The #Levante continues and more and more Black #Kites, European Honey #Buzzards, Short-toed and Booted #Eagles arrive in The #Straits waiting for their turn to cross to Africa as the wind drops !
We estimated today there maybe well over 10,000 Black Kites waiting and desperate to make the crossing !
This #Milanada and bottling up of soaring migrants is ONLY possible due to wind and geography here at the very epicentre of migration ! #TheStraitsofGibraltar
#levante #kites #buzzards #eagles #straits #milanada #thestraitsofgibraltar #flywaybirding
The #Milanada is on !!
#KiteFest2023 takes hold again with over 5,000 Black #Kites waiting for the #Levante wind to drop and the departure gate of The #Straits to open soon !
It’s #Migrationmagic - it’s awesome !
#milanada #kitefest2023 #kites #levante #straits #migrationmagic #flywaybirding #wad
Results of the Fundación Migres · CIMA Centro Internacional de Migración de Aves #Program for monitoring the autumn migration of birds through The #Straits of #Gibraltar.
Over 60,000 #glorious #migratory soaring #Birds crossing The Straits !
Week from August 14 to 20, 2023 😊
#program #straits #gibraltar #glorious #migratory #birds #flywaybirding
Yesterday our guests had fabulous encounters with 2 Sperm #Whales, Bottle-nosed and Striped #Dolphins and these Long-finned Pilot Whales that came to check us out !
The young were particularly curious and entertained us but also themselves with their antics !
Mad scenes ! 😊
#whales #dolphins #flywaybirding
What a day of #Raptor #migration #Migration it’s fair to say we are as high as Kites after today !
6.149 Black #Kites, 264 European Bee-eaters, 199 White #Storks, 189 Booted Eagles, 53 Short-toed #Eagles 13 European Honey Buzzards, 3 Egyptian Vultures.
3 Bonelli’s Eagles including an adult that took out a migrating Booted Eagle! A Rüppell’s #Vulture drifted in and an Eleanora’s #Falcon whizzed through !
Con Giselle Eagle, Tim Squire, Rich Brown y Stuart Gillies
#raptor #migration #kites #storks #eagles #vulture #falcon #flywaybirding #milanosnegros
Results of the Fundacion Migres Program for monitoring the autumn #migration of #Birds through The #Straits of #Gibraltar, week of August 7 to 13, 2023.
#migration #birds #straits #gibraltar #flywaybirding
With well over 5,000 Black Kites crossing the divide here yesterday and nearly 2,000 White #Storks, Booted and Short-toed #Eagles Egyptian #Vultures, European Honey #Buzzard - this juvenile Griffon #Vulture joined the #migration party attempting it’s “youth-dispersal” to the #Sahel but turning back to have a rest and another attempt !
#storks #eagles #vultures #buzzard #vulture #migration #sahel #flywaybirding #milanosnegros #ingloriousbustards
Today as part of a long-term ringing and biometric study of Black Kites by @FundacionMigres we were delighted to assist with the ringing and study of over 80 individual Black Kites as the increasing gusting wind held up their continued migration 😊
#flywaybirding #milanosnegros #birding
Today among the #FlywayHighway Black #Kites continue to power through The #Straits with 1,825 making the crossing alongside this mesmerising group over 1,000 White Stork + 3 Black Stork, Egyptian #Vultures, Short-toed and Booted #Eagles European Bee-eaters, #Osprey and going the other way an Eleanora´s #Falcon!
With an increasingly gusty #Levante many decided to delay their crossing tomorrow more!
#FlywayBirding #Birding #TheStraitsofGibraltar #Birders #vismig
#flywayhighway #kites #straits #vultures #eagles #osprey #falcon #levante #flywaybirding #birding #thestraitsofgibraltar #birders #vismig
With masses of Black #Kites and White #Storks crossing The #Straits this week now both Booted and Short-toed #Eagles are building in number too ! .....we have to see them ALL!
Here some of yesterdays migration power!
#kites #storks #straits #eagles #flywaybirding #thecount #birding
The river of migratory soaring #Birds continues over our guests heads !
Today 4,851 Black #Kites, 1,027 White #Storks, 96 Booted Eagles, 142 Short-toed #Eagles, 4 Montagu’s #Harriers and 2 Egyptian #Vultures crossed The #Straits from our chosen watchpoint. Also a juvenile #Lanner #Falcon ripped through our watchpoint. As the wind shifted more Black Kites pushed through the Eastern section of The Straits…..
#birds #kites #storks #eagles #harriers #vultures #straits #lanner #falcon #flywaybirding #birding #vismig #birders #migrationology