Thank you FMI- The Food Industry Association for inviting Microsoft for Startups to the #fmimidwinter executive conference last week. The key message we delivered in our talk: the #metaverse doesn't quite exist yet but all the elem…
Congratulations @msft4startups partner Sifter
#startups #retail #fmimidwinter
Brilliant idea of using a green screen to project up your presentation at #fmimidwinter
Thank you FMI- The Food Industry Association, @CarolAbel_FMI, @FMIprivatebrand for the invitation to #fmimidwinter. I loved the engagement and the conversation around #iCommerce, #Metaverse and enabling the journey with #startup #innovation. @debweinswig,…
#fmimidwinter #icommerce #metaverse #startup #innovation
Love these insight from @debweinswig at #fmimidwinter. Excellent opportunities for #retail in selling tech, #nft, #datamonetization, #retailmedia … I’m seeing these through my #startups ecosystem lens as well
#fmimidwinter #retail #NFT #datamonetization #retailmedia #startups
Backstage at #fmimidwinter conference. Getting ready to do a session on #metaverse
For #grocery #retailers to do more with less, #technology needs to be integrated into every aspect of their business. It’s what we call “Resilient #Retail.”
If you are at the #fmimidwinter conference ( in #Orlando, I recommend ta…
#Grocery #retailers #Technology #retail #fmimidwinter #orlando