"#FoodNotBombs" (#FND) wird in #Houston / #Texas (#GregAbbott-Land) zunehmend unter finanziellen Druck gesetzt, weil sie kostenloses Essen an #Obdachlose verteilen.
Diese #Petition kann auch aus DE heraus unterschrieben werden. Das tut nicht weh. Oder wenigstens boosten?
#foodnotbombs #fnd #houston #texas #gregabbott #obdachlose #petition
Had me a dual language I.C.E. card made.
Hope that it will never be used, but better save them sorry, now that my condition gets worse.
I also got an ICE app on my phone.
Which sents a text with my location in it to my contacts.
And a folder with jpg files of some of my most important data on my phone homescreen.
#emergency #card #information #language #dual #fnd
Tested a sunscreen to see if I would have a reaction to it due to all my allergies.
And this is what happend.
A huge red, glowing and burning patch of ????
Wierdest part is that I did put a few drops of the cream on my hand and not nowhere near my chest.
People with severe mental illness are probably the most isolated social group of all. They are judged, disrespected and made into pariahs. They fear rejection from others, who may be afraid of the mentally ill, so the mentally ill person may feel overwhelmed by the thought of attempting to form new friendships. Just avoiding any contact is often the choice. Or, they may make a great effort to conceal their condition from others.
#quote #brainblogger #mentalillness #fnd
Don't follow the Spoon Theory blindly it might even cause you harm.
Why ?
The theory states that you have a limited number of spoons available for the day and each action will cost a given number of spoons.
But for those living with chronic pain and fatigue, this theory does not fit their lives as there is no set amount they wake up with and going over their energy reserves on Monday will take away from Tuesday
More about this theory at :
“Alzheimer’s… is a barren disease, as empty and lifeless as a desert. It is a thief of hearts and souls and memories.”
#quote #FND #Alzheimer #mentalillness #NicholasSparks #TheNotebook
#quote #fnd #alzheimer #mentalillness #nicholassparks #thenotebook
So grateful that my wife and I stopped listening and acting to what all medical doctors have told us.
Ever since we started listening to Mother Nature in a serious fashion our lives have changed so much for the better.
Nobody can cure my FND in my lifetime, so making life comfortabel is key for me.
And nature really helps me achieve that.
#FND #Parkinson #dementia #MotherNature #cure #MentalHealth #mentalillness
#fnd #parkinson #dementia #mothernature #cure #mentalhealth #mentalillness
More sensory stuff:
Shirts want to kill me, I can feel every seam. Random smells, ie trying to cook dinner and the plant nearby smells like I jammed my head in a bag of potting soil. High piano notes are like a tin can banging against my head. The water from the shower feels like needles hitting my legs. Trying to talk on the phone disorients, making my face, arms, and soles of my feet tingle. Just lots of super fun. #dysphonia, #fnd
Great story to read on FND awareness day : 13 Lessons I Have Learned About Living With Functional Neurological Disorder
Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder (FNSD or FND) is a poorly understood disorder and has therefor no cure.
It is an umbrella term for a variety of symptoms which look similar to those caused by neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson's disease, including weakness, fatigue and seizures.
It is currently believed that FND arises from a problem with the patient's Central Nervous System, which is not sending or receiving signals correctly.
International FND (Functional Neurological Disorder) Awareness Day is an annual event held on April 13th to raise awareness about FND and promote better understanding of this condition.
FND is a condition in which patients experience neurological symptoms such as tremors, seizures, or weakness, without any structural or neurological explanation.
Want to know more ?
Just ask the patient....which is me !
Or look at :
#fnd #awareness #mentalillness #mentalhealth
I( am one of those 45%)
Gastroparesis is one of the gastrointestinal involvements of PD and is characterized by delayed gastric emptying of solid food in the absence of mechanical obstruction. Gastroparesis has been reported in nearly 45% of PD. The cardinal symptoms include early satiety, postprandial fullness, nausea, and vomiting.
#gastroparesis #parkinson #fnd
The hardest part of having FND is all the adjustments you have to make in order to function as normal as possible.
Worst thing about having FND is that nobody sees your pain and struggle because when you tell (medical) people about what's going on they do not believe you because my inside and outside do not match therefore I am just victimizing myself and they in the end just leave you because they can´t help you.
I have lost so much due to FND !
#fnd #mentalillness #parkinsons #dementia
Stigma is when someone views you in a negative way because you have a distinguishing characteristic or personal trait that's thought to be, or actually is, a disadvantage (a negative stereotype). Unfortunately, negative attitudes and beliefs toward people who have a mental health condition are common.
#quote #mayoclinic #stigma #mentalhealth #fnd
Functional Neurological Disorder provides an umbrella term for a variety of symptoms of apparent neurological origin but which current models struggle to explain psychologically or organically. Presentation may be similar to a wide range of other neurological conditions. FND/CD can be as debilitating as Parkinson’s disease and MS and have many similar symptoms. The most common misconception is that patients are in control of some or all of their symptoms.
Started doing qi gong in oder to make sure I stay as fit & mobile for as long as possible now that I can feel myself getting worse.
Found myself a great morning routine of just 10 minutes .
Now on the hunt for an evening routine.
More info about qi gong at:
My akinesia kicked in.
Akinesia in Parkinson’s can take many forms. Usually it involves a patient failing to make a movement or making a much smaller version of the movement. Akinesia is sometimes referred to as “freezing” in patients with Parkinson’s disease. It is usually a symptom of advanced Parkinson’s disease.
These are two types of akinesia: the movement can be so slow and small that it cannot be seen, or the time to initiate the movement can be very long.