the last time we had a hollywood writers strike, Landry murdered someone in season 2 and it was never brought up again in subsequent seasons.
Somehow listening to the FNL opening theme makes everything in my world seem at peace… even if it’s only for a minute and change. #fnl #cleareyes #fullhearts #cantlose #texasforever #tvseries
#fnl #cleareyes #fullhearts #cantlose #texasforever #tvseries
I know that's not Jesse. He has one of those faces. But still, I want to scream out, "Be careful! He'll kill you!"
#jesseplemons #startrek #landry #fnl
Over 100 Families Occupy Abandoned Apartment Complex in Brazil #Global #Land_&_Housing #article_6 #bolsonaro #Brazil #constitution #Construtora_Cantareira #Dom_Helder_Câmara #Edmar_Arruda #FNL #Frente_Nacional_de_Luta_Campo_e_Cidade #Housing #Maringá #Paiçandu #Paraná #poverty #Residential_Golden_Ville #squatting #squatting
#global #Land_ #article_6 #Bolsonaro #brazil #constitution #construtora_cantareira #dom_helder_camara #edmar_arruda #fnl #frente_nacional_de_luta_campo_e_cidade #housing #maringa #paicandu #parana #poverty #residential_golden_ville #squatting
« Trois activistes vaudois opposés à la #GuerreDuVietnam déployaient le drapeau vietcong sur la flèche de Notre-Dame de Paris, dans la nuit du 18 au 19 janvier 1969. Au bout de cinq décennies d’anonymat, les auteurs de ce coup d’éclat l’ont mis en livre en reliant l’action à son contexte. Récit par l’un des protagonistes. »
#LeVietcongAuSommetDeNotreDame #livres
#Vietnam #FNL #AgentOrange #CrimesDeGuerre
#crimesdeguerre #agentorange #fnl #vietnam #livres #levietcongausommetdenotredame #guerreduvietnam
I really LOVED the show “Friday Night Lights” and I’m loving the rewatch podcast #fnl #fridaynightlights — kind of niche but if you know, you know.