Today is Pungenday, the 14th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189.
Si on peut faire dire à Macron qu'il faut que le prolétariat s'approprie les moyens de production, on va peut-être forcer les gens à apprendre à exprimer leur propres idées...
Hail Eris ? #fnord ?
Today is Setting Orange, the 11th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189.
Today is Pungenday, the 9th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189.
Hail Eris! Hail Discordia! #fnord
Today is Pungenday, the 4th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189.
Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 73rd day of Confusion in the YOLD 3189.
Today is Setting Orange, the 64th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3189.
🤡 #GermanClowns 🤡
Die ganze Welt ist ein Zirkus ...
#identitetris #egomania #rollenspiel #roleplay #itagame #games #game #somuchfun #almans
#imagination #coronation #escapethepattern #momo #stopactinglikeadults
#gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #metaphysik #philisophie #psychonaut #liebe #glück #gluech #extase #ekstase #sex #fnord #snafu #chaos #eris
#fridaydisco #Elefantenkäfig #Vogelkäfig #kreuzjesus #Politik #Gesellschaft #Kapitalismus
#Clowns #heartbeats #idiocrazy #AntichristJesus
#bullshitjobs #generalstreik #generalstrike #nowork #donothing #endcapitalism #emanzipation #occupy #love
#fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #stopactinglikeadults #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #stopdoomscrolling #LeaveNoOneBehind
#donothing #generalstrike #fuckwork #fuckthem #justbe #dopamin #followyourbliss #gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #lösungen
#germanclowns #fridaydisco #elefantenkafig #vogelkafig #kreuzjesus #politik #Gesellschaft #kapitalismus #clowns #heartbeats #Idiocrazy #antichristjesus #identitetris #egomania #rollenspiel #roleplay #itagame #games #game #somuchfun #almans #imagination #Coronation #escapethepattern #momo #stopactinglikeadults #Gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #fnord #snafu #Chaos #eris #bullshitjobs #generalstreik #generalstrike #nowork #donothing #endcapitalism #emanzipation #occupy #love #fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #stopdoomscrolling #leavenoonebehind #fuckwork #fuckthem #justbe #Dopamin #losungen #metaphysik #philisophie #psychonaut #liebe #gluck #gluech #extase #ekstase #sex
Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 58th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3189.
Celebrate Confuflux!
Today is Sweetmorn, the 50th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3189.
New #ModularTransmission is up!
Link to #Twitch VOD below.
#electronicmusic #psychedelic #groovy #fnord
@synths @modularsynth @eurorack @experimentalmusic
Check out this video "Modular Transmission - 2023-07-08"
#modulartransmission #twitch #electronicmusic #psychedelic #groovy #fnord
Today is Boomtime, the 41st day of Confusion in the YOLD 3189.
Wenn es gut ist: Jupp! Klar. 👍
Hoffentlich nicht zu lang. Bin hier noch nicht mal mit Illuminatus! durch und - ja - ich weiß dass es komplett irre ist, aber ich schaffe das! All hail Eris! #fnord 😇
This seems like a good review of an interesting history of #ConspiracyTheory, SCADs, calling out the crazy, and organized political corruption:
Oo, I said those words. Quick, look away!
#OrSoTheyWouldHaveYouBelieve #Sheeple
#fnord #theyhaveeverybodymindwarped #sheeple #orsotheywouldhaveyoubelieve #conspiracytheory
This seems like a good review of an interesting history of #ConspiracyTheory, SCADs, calling out the crazy, and organized political corruption:
Oo, I said those words. Quick, look away!
#OrSoTheyWouldHaveYouBelieve #Sheeple
#fnord #theyhaveeverybodymindwarped #sheeple #orsotheywouldhaveyoubelieve #conspiracytheory
Today is Sweetmorn, the 15th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3189.