Bonus Photo of the Day 4 6th September 2023.
G-BTOD, Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk, on static display on grass at Finningley Air Show, 19th September 1992.
#Finningley #FNY #Piper #PA38 #Tomahawk #airshow
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#finningley #fny #piper #pa38 #tomahawk #airshow #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 2 27th May 2023.
G-ATLB, Jodel DR-1050M Excellence, on static display at Finningley Air Show, 19th September 1992.
#Finningley #FNY #airshow #Jodel #DR1050 #Excellence
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#finningley #fny #airshow #jodel #dr1050 #excellence #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 2 22nd May 2023.
151891, Lockheed TC-130H Hercules, Blue Angels, parked at RAF Finningley supporting the US Navy demonstration team, at the annual air show, 19th September 1992.
#Finningley #FNY #airshow #Lockheed #C130 #Hercules #BlueAngels #USN #UnitedStatesNavy #USMC #UnitedStatesMarineCorps
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#finningley #fny #airshow #lockheed #c130 #hercules #blueangels #usn #unitedstatesnavy #usmc #unitedstatesmarinecorps #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 3 1st February 2023: 151891, Lockheed TC-130G Hercules, Blue Angels, at RAF Finningley Air Show, 19th September 1992.
#RAF #Finningley #FNY #airshow #Lockheed #C130 #BlueAngels #USMC #UnitedStatesMarineCorps
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#raf #finningley #fny #airshow #lockheed #c130 #blueangels #usmc #unitedstatesmarinecorps #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Photo of the Day 13th January 2023: G-MAVI, Robinson R-22B Beta, on static display at RAF Finningley Air Show, some time in the 1990s.
#Finningley #FNY #Robinson #R22 #Beta #airshow
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting
#finningley #fny #robinson #r22 #beta #airshow #avgeek #aviation #planespotting
Bonus Photo of the Day 23rd December 2022: G-BNPY, Cessna 152, Doncaster Aero Club, at RAF Finningley Air Show, 19th September 1992.
#RAFFinningley #FNY #AirShow #cesena #CE152 #DoncasterAeroClub
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting
#raffinningley #fny #airshow #cesena #ce152 #doncasteraeroclub #avgeek #aviation #planespotting
Bonus Photo of the day 2020-05-27.
151891, Lockheed TC-130G Hercules, United States Marine Corp (Blue Angels support aircraft), at RAF Finningley Air Show, 19th September 1992.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #raf #finningley #fny #egxi #lockheed #c130 #hercules #usmc #unitedStatesMarineCorps #blueAngels
#blueangels #unitedStatesMarineCorps #usmc #hercules #c130 #lockheed #egxi #fny #finningley #raf #potd #planespotting #avgeek