Damn, never before has Foamy been so motivating. #illwillpress #neuroticallyyours #foamy #foamythesquirrel
#illwillpress #neuroticallyyours #foamy #foamythesquirrel
FraYoshi wishes you a #happyEaster ! ^^
This bunny has been #AI generated using #StableDiffusion and #ComfyUI, #painted using the #FOSS #FLOSS #Krita on #Linux. Simple text added in #Inkscape.
Thanks to all the creators of all these tools, which made this #picture, possible ^^
#Kawaii #Foamy Easter Bunny on a Latte.
#Easter #bunny #happyBunny #eggs #chocolateEggs #coffee #latte #AIart #art #kawaii #cute #superCute
#foamy #happybunny #chocolateeggs #ComfyUI #painted #krita #inkscape #picture #kawaii #easter #bunny #eggs #coffee #latte #aiart #art #cute #supercute #happyeaster #ai #stablediffusion #foss #floss #linux
Foam born
Pygmalion's friend
Troy’s bane
Image: Birth of Venus
Artist: Eduard Steinbrück, 1846
#575Prompt @aethelshane #Foamy
#DailyHaikuPrompt #friend
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku @freehaiku
#Mythology #GreekMythology #BirthOfVenus #EduardSteinbruck
#575prompt #foamy #dailyhaikuprompt #friend #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #mythology #greekmythology #birthofvenus #eduardsteinbruck
Digital Necromancy, Diversity Algorithms, & Robot Dominion of the Dead :... https://youtu.be/Jwia5QN_VlM New #Foamy! All hail FOAMY! \m/ I welcome our squirrel overlord!
Square Enix, NFTs, Dave Chappelle, Comedy & Dumb Society : Squirrels & R... https://youtu.be/XbC6oxzlU6g Someone make this squirrel the leader of the world already! Foamy for president! FOAMY! #foamy