Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
41326 followers · 41437 posts · Server

This awe - described by in a now-canonical essay - is in contrast to Graeber's bullshit jobs, the idea that since your job makes a difference, you don't deserve to be treated decently:


It's truly perverse - you have to be well-compensated to serve a box on an org chart to inflate a corporate princeling's sense of self-worth, but if you actually help people, that is its own reward.



Last updated 1 year ago

Burkely Hermann · @burkelythearchivist
4 followers · 3 posts · Server
· @OrganizingLIS
515 followers · 196 posts · Server

"But from the other side of the reference desk, [Fobazi Ettarh] saw how the [library] industry’s ideals concealed its low pay. In her first position out of grad school, Ms. Ettarh’s supervisor told her, 'No one becomes a librarian to make a living wage.' (Ms. Ettarh was making $48,000 at the time.) She eventually left the industry."


#VocationalAwe #fobaziettarh #libraryWorkers

Last updated 1 year ago