Und zum Einschlafen nochmal alle COF Songs. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAv9OFugoggLDtNqcFcW5cLTRYjnOz42u #FOC #COF #assbachSingt
Sommer letztes Jahr so in Köln auf der Südbrücke https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dKMn1a_zTqo #foc #laut #iomio #cgn
Micha (links) hat heut Geburtstag. Er hat einige unserer Videos gedreht, konzipiert und überhaupt. Einer der besten Dudes. Alles Gute mein Freund. #foc
"i bet upon i missed another chance" #foc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8SsWlwp2v8
Quines ganes de que arribi el vespre!
Posar cava al porró, atipar-me de coca i saltar la foguera!
#santjoan2023 #foc #paisoscatalans
Hahah, came across this and I
remember filming and editing this one. Lots of fun. UPON THE SMALL THINGS https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-ktS7NuyTE0 #foc #metal
Aquest divendres dia 2 a les 20:00 farem un #cercavila des de la plaça tarradelles per celebrar la festa de la gent de #daimiel a #VilassardeMar
Hi esteu tots convidats!
#mansuetsdefoc #foc
#cercavila #daimiel #VilassardeMar #mansuetsdefoc #foc
El proper 27 de maig anirem d'exursió al barri de cerdanyola de #mataro
A cremar al correfoc dels #atabalats.
#correfoc #mansuetsdefoc #foc #festamajor
#mataro #atabalats #correfoc #mansuetsdefoc #foc #festamajor
Happy weekend everyone! Go bang some head! \m/ Pic from 2016 by Neptun.Studio #FOC #fallofcarthage #metal
me, normally: I need to leave
me, medicated: is seems possible that #joycons will turn out to be devices used by an entire generation of #homebrew gear that leverages the device as sensors and controlling elements, with an integrated #yubikey. so when you build a #homeforge, slot your personal #joy-ID into the rail and then it’ll check if you’re authorized to use it by the usual #FOC security standard (owner key, corporation key, and FBI secret key). now, then. in my next six thousand spoken sentences
#foc #joy #homeforge #yubikey #homebrew #joycons
Demo of DUST N DIRT with live impressions of a gig in Erfurt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIEdW1rSr5s #foc #foclive #metal
【京本大我】#SixTONES「#ABARERO」Music Videoラストシーンの屋上でダンス!#SixTONES_ABARERO #FOC... https://youtube.com/shorts/ATBh6gu5kS8?feature=share @Youtubeより
#foc #sixtones_abarero #abarero #sixtones
Here's a song that was on none of our four albums https://yewtu.be/watch?v=SOxMBDxe1PM #metal #foc
Some highlights from breakout discussions: lack of awareness of the #FOC and what it does; need for donor coordination to share and reuse investments; gap with engagement on the local level; need to protect those being funded; inclusion minimally requires translations
hahah, just realized that SESAME SEEDS has passed DAWN OF THE ENEMY in views. 6 months vs. 7 years. \m/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKMn1a_zTqo #metal #foc
[en] map of terrestrial fibre optic cables on the African continent https://afterfibre.nsrc.org/ #internetinfrastructure #africa #foc #map
#map #foc #africa #internetinfrastructure