An elementary school principal (with review by the BOE) decided to send home a letter apologizing because a guest speaker mentioned that someone involved in the the topic he was speaking about was gay.
Just shockingly spineless.
Celebrar la vuelta al curro he do a ver una peli de armas de destrucción masiva.
Celebrar las vacaciones reflexionando sobre cómo va mi vida, dónde está, hacia dónde quiero llevarla y las posibilidades que tengo.
Me planteo volver estudiar en caso de quedarme en paro y estudiar algo más ligero pero de lo que pueda sacar partido si sigo trabajando, el problema el tiempo.
Y eso también lo tengo que mejorar con organización, aprender a decir #no, poner #foco en los objetivos importantes y soltar lastre.
Lo estoy consiguiendo, no es algo que se vea de forma efectiva todavía pero lo estoy haciendo, el problema es la piel sacrificada en el camino.
Empecé mis vacaciones al límite del agotamiento, el camina o revienta invertido (descansa o explota), ahora podré levantarme y poner el rumbo adecuado.
#no #foco #perder_el_miedo #poder
The storms last night dropped enough rain (.5" in 10 minutes) that it cleaned the wind sensor on my weather station enough that it started working again.
Just in time for it to start recording 45mph wind gusts.
And this morning the county asked everyone to only use water for emergency purposes because the county water plant is offline due to power loss.
I think that is the most intense 20 minutes of non "there be tornadoes" weather I've seen while living here.
For my local #college #undergrad peeps from #JeffCo #Boulder #FoCo #CoS #Denver #Colorado #FrontRange - very cool #internship in emerging #technology, #innovation, and #DigitalTransformation for @JeffcoColorado
More info and to apply:
#college #undergrad #jeffco #boulder #foco #cos #denver #colorado #frontrange #internship #technology #innovation #digitaltransformation
Finally getting my bearings in #FoCo. Beat Apple Maps by two minutes on a 20 minute drive by using some side treats.
The view over my shoulder #Caturday #FoCo #FortCollins #Colorado
#colorado #fortcollins #foco #Caturday
It wasn’t our imagination- that was a heap of snow! #FoCo #FortCollins #Colorado #cowx
Fort Collins area snow totals far surpass forecast
#cowx #colorado #fortcollins #foco
The wind and more snow than I expected to see this morning created a beautiful drift around a large rock outside #FoCo #FortCollins #Colorado #snow
#Snow #colorado #fortcollins #foco
But seriously, actually very worried how this will impact live music in #Denver #Boulder #FoCo #FortCollins, esp. considering the abusive monopolistic power of promoter AEG that already holds many artists hostage to playing only one venue in the #Colorado #FrontRange each tour.
#denver #boulder #foco #fortcollins #colorado #frontrange
Looks like maaaaaaybe 2” of #snow in #FortCollins. Somewhat disappointing, given I’m stuck inside today anyway. Still, it’s snowy enough that it’s fine to break out #DrZhivago for winter viewing. “Ho ho ho! I love the snow!” #FoCo #COwx
#cowx #foco #drzhivago #fortcollins #Snow
Meta is testing NFTs on Instagram Stories in combi... #meta #o #villavicencio #foco #n
#meta #o #villavicencio #foco #n
Crypto platform planned? Meta registers trademarks #meta #o #villavicencio #foco #n #colombia
#meta #o #villavicencio #foco #n #colombia
Joice tá bostando (desculpem o termo) sobre a deepweb ali pertinho e eu quase ia dar uma resposta mas não vou. Dei block.
Daqui a 3 anos, 7 meses, acaba. #foco