@Hamishcampbell @sj_zero

Yes, apparently a lot of and for know how to write to two audiences at the same time. It's really one of the most of skills.

Most of the time it seems to revolve around saying as little as possible and repeating -tested three-word-slogans, but entire speeches can be written that mean different things to different people.

#prmanagers #writers #politicians #dishonest #focusGroup

Last updated 2 years ago

Someone on a podcast was talking about this .

Its part of the reason we don't appreciate that learn what a person is watching — can target people using they are familiar with from such and series they've watched.

Thus the citizen loses .

Its been going on for such a long time though. Started in the 1970 with the and .


#ManagedDemocracy #streamingservices #advertisers #tropes #films #television #freethought #focusGroup #pushPolling #democracy #elections

Last updated 3 years ago