I wrote a longish thing about the historical assumptions about #FireEmblem's #Fódlan setting. (I am not remotely a historian, just to be clear).
#FireEmblem3h #FireEmblemThreeHouses #FireEmblemThreeHopes #FireEmblemWarriorsThreeHopes #Nintendo
#fireemblem #fodlan #fireemblem3h #fireemblemthreehouses #fireemblemthreehopes #fireemblemwarriorsthreehopes #nintendo
As of this evening, I can reasonably say I am halfway through #FireEmblemWarriorsThreeHopes.
This is a game that is *uncomfortably* positive about #imperialism, #authoritarianism, and absolute #monarchy. These issues are present, but not as blatant, in #FireEmblemThreeHouses, and there appears to be a #monarchist streak running through #FireEmblem that goes beyond mere genre convention.
#fireemblemwarriorsthreehopes #imperialism #authoritarianism #monarchy #fireemblemthreehouses #monarchist #fireemblem #threehouses #threehopes #fireemblem3h #fodlan