So schaut das Ding in Foundry aus. Der Fog of War repräsentiert die Sensorreichweite, natürlich. Die Aufgabe ist das Asteroidenfeld zu überleben, und den Fluchtvektor zu erreichen - ich bin ganz schön stolz. :D
#ttrpg #pnpde #SpaceMap #FoundryVTT #FogOfWar #StarWars #SWREUP #REUP
#ttrpg #pnpde #spacemap #foundryvtt #fogofwar #starwars #swreup #reup
Für einen Putsch brauchst du Unterstützung aus dem inneren Kreis des Regimes. Soweit ich das überblicke - und ich bin kein Kremlinologist - halten die den Prigozhin alle für irre. Für den gewöhnlichen Soldaten könnte es ansprechend sein, aber ob das ausschlaggebend sein wird... #FogOfWar
RT @CoughlinBrett
“What experience and history teach is this - that nations and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have drawn from it.'
- Hegel
#TCMParty #Fogofwar #technews »#Fogofwar: how the #Ukraine conflict transformed the #cyberthreatlandscape.«
#technews #fogofwar #ukraine #cyberthreatlandscape
It's the whole idea of my work, I think nothing should be taken for granted but it's important to read the words by the people that are experiencing it in the first place.
I'm not feeling comfortable at all with @ruvideos and @ru,
Feedback welcome!
Thanks for reading and boosting!
@inklings @Bullix I hope they also learn to insulate themsleves against Western capitalist #propaganda and the #neoliberal #conjob being perpetrated on us all.
Anyone who thinks it's only the other side spreading misinformation doesn't understand the role of #War propaganda to rally support and demonize the 'other.' #FogOfWar
#propaganda #neoliberal #conjob #war #fogofwar
Friendly reminder that Every single country on earth do #Propaganda. None are #objective.
#media #massmedia #FogOfWar #truth #influence #misinfo #misinformation #censorship #NationalSecurity
#propaganda #objective #media #massmedia #fogofwar #truth #influence #misinfo #misinformation #censorship #nationalsecurity