I hope you don't mind me saying, but you need some unsolicited advice.
@donncha Saw them some months ago in Oslo. Wonderful to see their brilliant improvisation and engagement with the audience. I was in stitches throughout. Enjoy! #FoilArmsAndHog
If you don't know Foil, Arms & Hog you're missing out. At the Opera House seeing them live and they are hilarious!
#foilarmsandhog #cork #ireland
Very true. And poor Tomato still can't figure out where he's supposed to be.
I love it when #FoilArmsAndHog get relevant.
#foilarmsandhog #gentrification
Foil, Arms, and Hog night tonight.
#FoilArmsAndHog #comedy #StandUpComedy #MastoDaoine #VicarStreet
#foilarmsandhog #comedy #standupcomedy #mastodaoine #VicarStreet
De begrafenis als journaal. #doomdah #FoilArmsAndHog https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnTq-WBqMTZ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
I loved this whole sketch but especially the ending
#foilarmsandhog #santaclaus #russia #christmas #comedy #youtube
#foilarmsandhog #santaclaus #russia #christmas #comedy #youtube