[23/04/06 18:03] - jasdf_pao:twitter:
4月6日、#内倉空幕長 は、フィリップ・セトン駐日仏特命全権大使の訪問を受け、#日仏 空軍種間の #防衛協力 ・交流をより一層深化させていくことで一致しました。#空自 は、#FOIP の維持・強化のため引き続き仏航空宇宙軍との関係… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1643902282499772417 #pom
Fed-prov Nat Res ministers met May 27,2020. On Jun 1, 2020, I filed a #FOIP to #ableg govt asking for MInister Savage's notes for that meeting. Just got them today, FEB 6 2023. Under AB law, service standard for FOIP is 30 days. I got mine in 980 days. #FOIPFail #ATIPFail
#foip #ableg #foipfail #atipfail
RT @JASDF_PAO_ENG@twitter.com
On Jan 10, #JASDF splendidly welcomed #SU30MKI #IAF (#IndianAirForce) at Hyakuri Air Base. JASDF and IAF will conduct the first JPN-IND bilateral fighter exercise #VeerGuardian in JPN. JASDF will continue promoting JPN-IND #DefenseCooperation to uphold and reinforce #FOIP .
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JASDF_PAO_ENG/status/1612696857972740096
#jasdf #su30mki #iaf #indianairforce #veerguardian #defensecooperation #foip
One of the best spots, I reckon, to practise yoga.
Not to mention that regulation of one's breathing and mental faculties is kinda crucial at high altitudes.
You beauty!
And a _huge_ shout-out to the preceding Morrison government for getting this deal done and signed in April, less than two years after elevating our bilateral with the Indians to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.