I posted how I'm struggling to fold some origami models of complex polyhedra.
I have an idea which involved folding them from tracing paper.
I've folded them before, using 200gsm watercolour paper.
When that paper is coated with cyanotype before folding, you can get a metamorphogram.
Here's John Montroll's 'Gamma Star' during exposure, and as a final image.
#origami #polyhedra #JohnMontroll #GammaStar #polyhedron #folding #FoldingPaper #cyanotype
#blueprint #metamorphogram #memory
#origami #polyhedra #johnmontroll #gammastar #polyhedron #folding #foldingpaper #cyanotype #blueprint #metamorphogram #memory
Sometimes things fail.
I've been trying to get back into origami practice with John Montroll's - 'A Constellation of Origami Polyhedra' (https://johnmontroll.com/books/a-constellation-of-origami-polyhedra/).
Using 75 cm squares of tracing paper made it harder - wrong paper for these models.
The crease patterns are beautiful - this is for a Sunken Cuboctohedron. But I've failed to fully fold them into 3D shape.
But it's OK. Sometimes things fail.
#origami #polyhedra #artfail #fail #cuboctohedron #polyhedron #folding #FoldingPaper
#origami #polyhedra #artfail #fail #cuboctohedron #polyhedron #folding #foldingpaper
I'm starting to get back into origami more, as I think about the next project.
Sometimes it's just good to make.
This is an octagonal helix made from a piece of craft paper about 2 metres long and 40 cm wide.
It's based on a design from Tomoko Fuse's book, 'Spiral'.
#origami #helix #TomokoFuse #FoldingPaper #PaperFolding #CraftPaper #Spiral #memory #practise #testpiece
#origami #helix #tomokofuse #foldingpaper #paperfolding #craftpaper #spiral #memory #practise #testpiece