I'm Ben Carneiro AKA Tony Deals
I like #bikes #cycling #walking around #cities. I'm into #urbanism #density #walkability #bikelanes #publictransit #buses #trains
I'm a #python engineer. I use #django #pandas #react #folium #osm #recharts #chartjs #linux
Sometimes I post my chicken #parm, sometimes I post #transit #maps and #charts, and sometimes I just #shitpost to make the pain go away.
I maintain journo-robots for #austin (see pinned post)
#introduction #bikes #cycling #walking #cities #urbanism #density #walkability #bikelanes #publictransit #buses #trains #python #django #pandas #react #folium #osm #recharts #chartjs #linux #parm #transit #maps #charts #shitpost #austin #ens #NFTs
I never made an #introduction
I'm Ben Carneiro AKA Tony Deals
I like #bikes #cycling #walking around #cities. I'm into #urbanism #density #walkability #bikelanes #publictransit #buses #trains
I'm a #python engineer. I use #django #pandas #react #folium #osm #recharts #chartjs #linux
Sometimes I post my chicken #parm, sometimes I post #transit #maps and #charts, and sometimes I just #shitpost to make the pain go away.
I maintain journo-robots for #austin
#introduction #bikes #cycling #walking #cities #urbanism #density #walkability #bikelanes #publictransit #buses #trains #python #django #pandas #react #folium #osm #recharts #chartjs #linux #parm #transit #maps #charts #shitpost #austin #ens #NFTs
I made a Streamlit app with a Folium map featuring Philadelphia's Steam Loop.
Also Included - An analysis on nearby buildings and research on Cogeneration (Combined Heat and Power)
Check it out at https://phlsteamloop.streamlit.app
#python #streamlit #folium #gis #energy #infrastructure #opensource #cogeneration
#python #streamlit #folium #GIS #energy #infrastructure #opensource #cogeneration
I made a Streamlit app with a Folium map featuring Philadelphia's Steam Loop. Check it out at https://phlsteamloop.streamlit.app
#python #streamlit #folium #gis #energy #infrastructure #opensource
#python #streamlit #folium #GIS #energy #infrastructure #opensource
I made a Streamlit app with a Folium map featuring Philadelphia's Steam Loop. Check it out at phlsteamloop.streamlit.app
#python #streamlit #folium #GIS #energy #infrastructure
Plotting #Snowflake ❄️ F1 Circuit Locations into a map using #Folium
The last few weeks I have been playing around with plotting data from Snowflake on a map. I created several examples building upon each other.
🌐 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/daanbakboord_snowflake-folium-daanalytics-activity-7029010944949112833-pi9B?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios #DaAnalytics #DataCloud #Python 🐍
#Snowflake #folium #daanalytics #datacloud #python
@rlafuente thank you! I've seen it mentioned often, #folium looks like one of those very smart uses of Python to generate cool interactive HTML+JS.
📣📝 My new paper on the state of #trajectory visualizations in #notebook environments is finally out
Featuring @movingpandas, #scikitmobility and more
with plots from #Folium, #GeoViews, #Matplotlib, and #KeplerGL
And it's open access: https://hw.oeaw.ac.at/?arp=0x003de7dd
#trajectory #notebook #scikitmobility #folium #geoviews #matplotlib #KeplerGL #giscience #datascience #gischat #jupyter
Mucha gente en México come las 12 uvas para despedir el año y decretar sus propósitos para el nuevo ciclo.
Y sí, muchas de las uvas que se consumen son importadas pero también existen lugares en nuestro país en donde se producen.
Aquí un mapa con los municipios y su volumen de producción en 2021.
How to Build Beautiful Maps with Folium and Leaflet (2021) > my POV: #folium is an improvement to #python #map data handling https://notes.weissig.me/2021/03/how-to-build-beautiful-maps-with-folium-and-leaflet/ #feedly
A M5.8 #Earthquake 14 km NW of Ciranjang-hilir, Indonesia at 2022-12-08 00:50:58UTC recorded at 109.3° away in SW England and Brittany on #Raspishake and #BGSseismology networks, in the core shadow zone. See: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000j7r0/executive. Uses #obspy, #matplotlib & #folium libraries.
#earthquake #raspishake #BGSseismology #obspy #matplotlib #folium
Hoy descubrí que existe un Sistema de Información Cultural.
Me di a la tarea de explorar un poco y encontré que, en el país existen 2,081 centros culturales y casas de cultura.
#nsi idée de projet en fin de première sur le traitement de données en table (avec jointure) : réaliser avec #folium une carte des candidats arrivés premiers sur les bureaux de votes parisiens. https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/elections-presidentielles-2017-1ertour/information/?disjunctive.id_bvote&disjunctive.num_circ&disjunctive.num_quartier&disjunctive.num_arrond ⬇️ la carte pour le premier tour de la présidentielle 2017
Fait par @rboulle une magnifique carte interactive des résultats des #élections à #Toulouse, par bureau de vote, réalisée à 100% avec du #LogiicelLibre
Tout à été fait avec #python, la librairie #folium qui utilise LeafletJS et le superbe projet @osm_fr . Le tout dans un Projet #Jupyter
notebook. Vive l'#OpenData !
#opendata #jupyter #folium #python #LogiicelLibre #toulouse #élections