RT @TheSacredIsle
Seems it’s that time again; if you’re a nazi/fascist and you think runes belong to you, here’s a handy dandy chart.
Please share and reuse.
#folkloreagainstfascism #antifascist
RT @TheSacredIsle@twitter.com
Seems it’s that time again; if you’re a nazi/fascist and you think runes belong to you, here’s a handy dandy chart.
Please share and reuse.
#FolkloreAgainstFascism #antifascist
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheSacredIsle/status/1535640419660443649
#folkloreagainstfascism #antifascist
Hi 👋 #SocialistSunday I’m an anarcho-socialist, member of the NDP, and I toot about the #ClimateCrisis, Indigenous land rights #LandBack, #books, #Pagan stuff, #folklore #FolkloreAgainstFascism, and random stuff that I found down the back of the internet. I do not boost photo/image toots that have no #AltText. I live on Anishinaabe & Hodinohshó:ni land in Ontariio, “Canada”.
#socialistsunday #climatecrisis #Landback #books #pagan #folklore #folkloreagainstfascism #alttext
Folklore against fascism. A post about the international, multicultural, inter-cultural, and ever-changing nature of folklore
#folkloreagainstfascism #folklorethursday #formandfunction
What do Anansi, Raven, Coyote, Pérák, Aradia, the Golem of Prague, Robin Hood, Wild Edric, and Ned Ludd have in common? They are all folk heroes of resistance to tyranny, oppression, slavery, and fascism.
#FolkloreAgainstFascism #FolkloreThursday #folklore #resistance
#folkloreagainstfascism #folklorethursday #folklore #resistance
All our #MorrisDancing videos so far in one playlist
#FolkDancing #FolkloreAgainstFascism #MayMorning
#maymorning #folkloreagainstfascism #Folkdancing #morrisdancing
Photos and videos from May Morning 2022
#MayMorning #MorrisDancing #folklore #FolkDancing #FolkloreAgainstFascism
#folkloreagainstfascism #Folkdancing #folklore #morrisdancing #maymorning
#FolkloreAgainstFascism by @catvincent@twitter.com for @DailyGrail@twitter.com #FolkloreThursday https://www.dailygrail.com/2018/08/folkloreagainstfascism/
#folkloreagainstfascism #folklorethursday
St. George was a Greek, Robin Hood was French, Vikings followed Allah. England is a melting pot of magic and mysticism, embracing all except for those who wish to exclude others.