Red sky at night, shepherd's delight!
Although some areas substitute shepherd for sailor. I'm inland, so shepherd it is.
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #WeatherLore #WeatherSayings #FolkloreBlog #FolklorePodcast
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #WeatherLore #weathersayings #folkloreblog #folklorepodcast
Red sky at night, shepherd's delight!
Although some areas substitute shepherd for sailor. I'm inland, so shepherd it is.
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #WeatherLore #WeatherSayings #FolkloreBlog #FolklorePodcast
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #WeatherLore #weathersayings #folkloreblog #folklorepodcast
In the 15th century, four female members of the royal family were accused of being witches. Who were they and why were they accused? Find out in this week's episode of Fabulous Folklore!
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #RoyalWitches #WitchcraftHistory #Folklore #FolkloreThursday #FolklorePodcast
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #royalwitches #witchcrafthistory #folklore #folklorethursday #folklorepodcast
In the 15th century, four female members of the royal family were accused of being witches. Who were they and why were they accused? Find out in this week's episode of Fabulous Folklore!
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #RoyalWitches #WitchcraftHistory #Folklore #FolkloreThursday #FolklorePodcast
#FabulousFolklorePodcast #royalwitches #witchcrafthistory #folklore #folklorethursday #folklorepodcast
I spotted a grey squirrel in Jesmond Dene!
As Lucya Starza notes, until the medieval period, people believed squirrels (albeit red ones) could travel the length of the country through the Wildwood without touching the ground.
Grey squirrels arrived in England from North America in 1876.
In needlework, squirrels represent mischief. Some writers link them with the fleet-footed trickster, Hermes/Mercury.
#SquirrelsOfMastodon #GreySquirrels #FabulousFolklorePodcast #AnimalLore #FolklorePodcast
#SquirrelsOfMastodon #greysquirrels #FabulousFolklorePodcast #animallore #folklorepodcast
I spotted a grey squirrel in Jesmond Dene!
As Lucya Starza notes, until the medieval period, people believed squirrels (albeit red ones) could travel the length of the country through the Wildwood without touching the ground.
Grey squirrels arrived in England from North America in 1876.
In needlework, squirrels represent mischief. Some writers link them with the fleet-footed trickster, Hermes/Mercury.
#SquirrelsOfMastodon #GreySquirrels #FabulousFolklorePodcast #AnimalLore #FolklorePodcast
#SquirrelsOfMastodon #greysquirrels #FabulousFolklorePodcast #animallore #folklorepodcast
Dipping my toe into this site at the moment, so just as an introduction:
Tales of Britain and Ireland is a podcast retelling folk stories, myths and legends in my own unique way, and providing a little discussion on the backgrounds and themes of the stories.
Over the 43 episodes to date its covered stories on fairies, dragons, justified murder princesses, a couple of weird NSFW topics and a great deal more besides.
It's presented, written and everything else by Graeme and I'm based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
You can listen on the website or wherever you get podcasts!
I also do things on Tik Tok and I keep promising to start up live storytelling but haven't done so quite yet.. hopefully 2023 will be the year!
I'm an irregular poster and podcaster at the best of times but more posts will follow as I work out Mastodon!
#introduction #folklore #folklorepodcast #podcast