Have you thought about subscribing to the Folklore & Fiction newsletter? If so, now is a great time to do that! I've just sent out a massive list of storytelling resources to recent workshop attendees, and if you subscribe to the Folklore & Fiction newsletter before August 15th, I'll send them to you, too! Click the link below to subscribe.


#writingtips #writinginspiration #writingcommunity #writing #folkloristics #FolkloreSunday #folklorethursday #folklore

Last updated 1 year ago

In 2020, I wrote an article for my Folklore & Fiction series on the topic of conspiracy theories that covered some current folkloristic scholarship and offered a list of questions people might ask of what they were reading to help them determine whether or not it might be a conspiracy theory. I've just updated that article to include a podcast episode, and I thought I'd share it here in case it was helpful.


#scholarship #conspiracytheory #folkloristics #folklore

Last updated 1 year ago

Well, my AFS proposal was just accepted. Now I have to actually go to the conference and actually deliver my paper in front of actual folklorists.

#academia #folkloristics #folklore #askafolklorist

Last updated 1 year ago

I've just bought tickets for Sean and I to see Jane Goodall speak at the end of May, and I'm hoping to celebrate the completion of my dissertation that weekend. Today's word count is 31,840 out of a necessary 75,000, but that number might jump by a thousand or more before I stop writing today as I settle on the ethnographic interview excerpts for the present section. This far into the writing, I can see the end and know that I'll get there now.

#folklore #folkloristics

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Cowdell · @paulcowdell
361 followers · 397 posts · Server hcommons.social

A picture I never tire of, and regularly post on . Here are three of the towering figures in recent British , all of them former Presidents of the .

Venetia Newall (RIP) on the left, was instrumental in reorienting the FLS after a period of intellectual and scholarly torpor, mainly by turning outwards to the best international scholarship, where her contribution was enthusiastically welcomed and recognised.

She was ably supported by brilliant younger FLS members like Jacqueline Simpson (right), happily still with us.

Their work restored the FLS's intellectual status and provided a platform for excellent scholars like Marion Bowman (centre) to build on.

My discipline would not be what it is without them and their work.


#internationalwomensday #folklore #folkloristics #FolkloreSociety

Last updated 2 years ago

The American Folklore Society (@afsfolklorists) has graciously featured my writing and my Folklore & Fiction work in its "Featured Folklorists" segment this week. Here's the article:


#whatfolkloristsdo #folkloristics #folklore #askafolklorist

Last updated 2 years ago

Haven't been on social media for social reasons in a while, but I did want to share my curated list of instrumental metal. Many thanks to all you metalheads who made recommendations; it's great music for getting through my dissertation.

If you don't see something in this playlist that really needs to be there, please drop me a comment!

Also, my dissertation stands at a little over 23,000 words.


#folkloristics #dissertation #amwriting #metal

Last updated 2 years ago

I'll cross 13,000 on the tonight and finish the Introduction next week. I've been writing a impact statement this evening, which outlines the ways my research was changed because of the pandemic. In my case, it put a complete halt near the beginning of an ethically sensitive but really interesting project, and writing this statement has brought me near tears. Respect to all the out there who muddled and are still muddling through.

#amwriting #folkloristics #academics #COVID19 #dissertation

Last updated 2 years ago

Didn't make it back to the pool Monday, but I made it back today and had a great swim. Now it's off to work in the dissertation mines!

#folkloristics #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

End-of-the-week dissertation report: 10,000 words down; 70,000 to go. Not bad for two weeks in, especially since I did some of that work with COVID. Granted, a good 2,000 words came out of my preliminary paperwork (proposal, ethical clearance docs.), but I'm counting them all as a win. Celebrated by gaming until 1:00 AM.

Off to bed now. Goodnight, metalheads.

#dissertation #amwriting #folkloristics

Last updated 2 years ago

One of the primary arguments of my dissertation is for a of ethical belief in the context of animal rights activism. Folklorists study belief of all kinds; religious, supernatural, medical, etc., but while there are great articles about ethics and activism, especially in performance studies, there isn't really a dedicated study of ethical belief. I'm hoping to help change that with this work.

#animalrights #academicchatter #amwriting #writing #folklore #vegan #folkloristics

Last updated 2 years ago

One of the primary arguments of my dissertation is for a of ethical belief in the context of animal rights activism. Folklorists study belief of all kinds; religious, supernatural, medical, etc., but while there are great articles about ethics and activism, especially in performance studies, there isn't really a dedicated study of ethical belief. I'm hoping to help change that with this work.

#animalrights #academicchatter #amwriting #writing #vegan #folkloristics

Last updated 2 years ago

I've written 800 words on my dissertation today, notwithstanding. They're not half bad either, I think.

#folkloristics #writing #amwriting #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

I've written 800 words on my dissertation today, notwithstanding. They're not half bad either, I think.

#folkloristics #writing #amwriting #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

Once upon a time Dr. Aldona Kobus and I had a productive conversation about folklore and podcast culture. Now you can read about that conversation here.


#podcasting #podcast #folklore #folkloristics

Last updated 2 years ago

Post from the trenches: , when you're buried in your work, use a timer so that you remember to get up, stretch, and refill your water bottle at least once an hour.

#folkloristics #dissertation #amwriting #writers

Last updated 2 years ago

Beginning the day at 4500 words on the dissertation. Had to backtrack yesterday and include two paragraphs on the way I'm using two words. I'm also submitting a short story currently making the rounds in pro markets and hoping for the best.

#amwriting #folkloristics #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Cowdell · @paulcowdell
145 followers · 79 posts · Server hcommons.social

I've pinned and reboosted my , but I thought I'd have another bash round the potted summary of hashtags as I try to reconnect with stuff lost in the past few days.

is pretty much the most important to me - I'm an , do , think & write about , and really really REALLY like hanging out with/listening to other .

I started off with , , , ended up doing a PhD on but love/am interested in all sorts of stuff, like , ,

Other important things:

Live on , like at the end of Day of the Triffids.

#introduction #folklore #academic #folklorist #fieldwork #folkloristics #folklorists #folk #folksong #folkmusic #Ghostlore #ghosts #ghost #cannibalism #rats #folkhorror #surrealism #Fantomas #Dowland #classics #Berlioz #isleofwight

Last updated 2 years ago

I was just looking at the stats for my podcast and see that the most popular downloads are the song supplements I sometimes produce. I'm a great fan of English, Scottish, and Appalachian ballads, and I'm a musician. So when I discuss a ballad as a folklorist and writer, I also sing and release a rough cut version of the ballad listeners might not have heard before.

Here's an Appalachian version I sang of Tam Lin in the spring.


#tamlin #writing #music #folkloristics

Last updated 2 years ago

About 500 words on my dissertation today. Not nearly as much progress as I had hoped, but my husband is sick with what *might* be COVID (we'll get a test tomorrow), and my brain was cooked. So I wrapped up at 8:00 and played Dragon Age: Inquisition for a couple of hours. Good night, Mastodon. Sweet dreams.

#gaming #folkloristics #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago