Brónagh · @BeebsyMcA
818 followers · 3522 posts · Server

Who Do You Think You Are & they're talking about female whistlers.
My dad taught me to whistle & I was good at it but it always made my Mum uncomfortable. She would say "A whistling woman & a crowing hen brings the devil from his den".
Ever heard that?

#folkore #irishfolklore #superstition #whistle

Last updated 1 year ago

Rini · @rinitealeaf
80 followers · 111 posts · Server

Then just a random list of random things! :blobcatheart:

and and especially wellbeing of animals and

and (couldn't fit to my list of shows earlier :D)

I also take way too many in my games :D
Especially in is the true end game

#criticalrole #ttrpgs #dnd #moomin #tea #cats #dogs #doglanguage #folkore #mythology #tarot #spoonie #kpop #kdrama #podcasts #crochet #crossstitch #doctorwho #thexfiles #lovecraft #horror #fantasy #scifi #screenshots #ff14 #gpose

Last updated 1 year ago

Sam Genin · @samgenin
66 followers · 52 posts · Server

Le printemps qui revient, ce sont les projets qui renaissent !

Je vous tiendrai ici au courant :

- De l’évolution de mon pour enfant LES CONTES DE MON VIEUX GRIMOIRE, qui va peut-être évoluer de façon trans-média !
- La saison 3 de mon jeu de rôle en live sur Twitch RISQUES & PÉR’îLES en mai et juin.
- Les d’ALBARICATE qui continuent !
- De jeux de et d’
- De mon exploration du de
- De ma façon d’écrire des

#chansons #bretagne #folkore #ecriture #creation #concert #jdr #podcast

Last updated 2 years ago

Hypnogoria · @hypnogoria
264 followers · 1355 posts · Server

Coming later this week, my second episode on weird gazetteers

#books #folkore

Last updated 2 years ago

Josiah Mannion · @Josiah_Mannion
542 followers · 3581 posts · Server

My current reads: A collection of short stories, which I got because I wanted to have Amal El-Mohtar's story, but which has a fantastic collection of authors. A truly unsettling novel from Hailey Piper (I'm in the final throes of loving this one), which I found through the bookstodon hashtag here. And a book on Indigenous Methodologies that I've been dying to read for a long time, and which has now been released in a much revised second edition, and is going to make for a wonderful reference moving forward (I'm in the initial throes of loving this one, just about 60 pages or so in).

#amreading #academicchatter #methodology #horror #fantasy #shortstories #fairytales #folkore #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Jaq W · @Jaq__W
392 followers · 1899 posts · Server

Karelian poem singing brothers Poavila and Triihvo Jamanen reciting traditional Finnish folk poetry, Russia, 1894.

#folkore #poetry #Karelian #finnish

Last updated 2 years ago

Kai Ash · @kai_ash
43 followers · 305 posts · Server

Continuing on the theme of other worlds, I highly recommend Franz Schubert's Erlkönig, which draws on a poem of the same name by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

This version includes an English translation and an animation of the action:

[CW: the song references a child's death]

#erlkonig #erlking #folkore #fairytale #otherworlds #speculativefiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2506 followers · 1233 posts · Server

bealosíþ [ ᛒᛖᚪᛚᚩᛋᛁᚦ ] : a journey / to travel / make your way through a period of evil / calamity; A destructive or deadly path, travelling the journey to death.

bealo: baleful ; deadly ; dangerous ; wicked ; evil

síþ: time, going on a journey, to be late

Like a lot of Old English words, it is hard to break it down to a simple set of words in English. We have to look at the word through the eyes of a storyteller; there is a literal definition, but also a metaphorical definition.

The journey is also time, the travelling is our life moving forward. The evil are the wretched things that happen during this journey, those things that befall us that are out of our control.

Bealosíþ is a concept, it is those times in our life that we must travel trough that is filled with evil and calamity.

It can also describe the grim march to death, that lingering dark path.

The state of bealosíþ is part of the wyrd and could be cause by entities, curses, gods, or those that just want to do us harm. It is those darkest of times that surround us all.


#oldenglish #wordoftheday #histordons #anglosaxon #jutish #folkore

Last updated 2 years ago

Cattype · @Cattype
7 followers · 15 posts · Server

is a personification of lightning in animal form and sometimes said to be the pet of Raijin the thunder god. During thunderstorms it bounds through the sky inside lightning bolts, striking the earth indiscriminately. When lightning struck a tree and tore it to shreds, that was said to be the work of the raiju’s claws.

It was also said to sometimes hide in people’s belly buttons if left uncovered. Which would lead to trouble when Raijin came looking for his pet.

#monster #folkore #yokai #raiju

Last updated 2 years ago

The First Egyptian Room, in the British Museum, 1875.

#ancientegypt #folkore #mythology #history #Victorian #gothic

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
1671 followers · 561 posts · Server

Day 7:
The darkness grows longer by the day, the sunlight shrinks by the hour — we slip deeper into the fallow season by the moment. Listen closely my friends, hear the whispers of those melancholic old songs that still tickle the backs of our minds. In the deepest recesses they declare, “Beware, for The Nobody may pay you a visit. He comes on frosty nights from the Somewhen and depending on his whim he may whisper good or evil in your ear.”

Neither candle nor warmth will appease him,
Or so the old people sing,
A law unto himself is the call to the night,
He’s a fickle and complex thing.

The best we can do on nights like these,
Is to wish the sweetest of dreams,
Upon our loved ones and hope that he leaves,
Us out of his twilight schemes.

God bless and say your prayers b’fore sleep,
Kiss the cheeks and foreheads too,
And hope that the Nobody stays away tonight,
Just beg he’s not coming for you!

@folklore @poetry

#gothicadvent #folkore #folkhorror #advent #sprits #yule #yuletide #poetry #dark #gothicpoetry

Last updated 2 years ago

ArtofMaquenda · @Maquenda
251 followers · 35 posts · Server
ArtofMaquenda · @Maquenda
243 followers · 31 posts · Server
Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
1236 followers · 164 posts · Server

Did have a

Here is my latest ; join me as I explore the and of the -- I start with the premise the Yahweh himself says: “…for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God”, is what he said, he did not say he was the only god.

Not only were there other gods, but we also explore the , -- The Goddess of all Creation

#god #wife #podcast #gods #goddesses #bible #divine #feminine #asherah #folkore #wyrdwednesday #oldtestament

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
1204 followers · 113 posts · Server

Mermaid redux

They say a mermaid takes delight in tricking sailors and mariners, leading them to their deaths; the truth is they just don’t care. Their blood runs cold and so do their hearts, they do not know love, nor compassion nor empathy of any kind. It is even true, that they don’t even understand delight or pleasure. 
These traits are what makes them the the most dangerous of creatures.

Artwork by me. 

#lore #folkore #mermaid #sea #mythology #fairytaletuesday

Last updated 2 years ago

br. Dieleman · @betonnie
249 followers · 105 posts · Server

Dag mensen, speciaal voor de mensen van mastodon weer een prentje gemaakt. Het heeft een raam in het midden bovenin, een stuk afgebrokkelde oranje bakstenen muur en een keukenscene met 2 lege stoelen en een tafel waarop een koffiepot en 2 mokken staan. De tekst leest "Eerst de koffie"" in gele letters, in de stijl van Jan Huijssoon. De achtergrond is een foto geschoten met een wegwerpcamera tijdens een vistocht met mijn neef in zijn bootje. Het is het riet en de kreek tussen de Axelse of Grote kreek en Schapenbout. Liedjes uit mijn oeuvre die gelinkt zijn aan deze prent zijn: Zilverspa, Eerst de koffie en Nieuw raam. Deze prent is ook te koop.

#prentenknipper #folkore #volkskunst #folkart #broederdieleman #hashtag

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
1169 followers · 36 posts · Server

Looking out through the arch, we watch the sunset as the daylight ends.

The would use these doorways to the other place to commune with the that eye our world with hungry lust. The deep magics that are held within the talismans, and are always at hand to hold back the onslaught of the creatures of night that come forth at this time of year.

#winter #cunningfolk #shades #sigils #spells #winterishere #folkore #sunset #november #ghosts #magic

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @Wihtlore
1140 followers · 593 posts · Server

They say a mermaid takes delight in tricking sailors and mariners, leading them to their deaths; the truth is they just don’t care. Their blood runs cold and so do their hearts, they do not know love, nor compassion nor empathy of any kind. It is even true, that they don’t even understand delight or pleasure.

These traits are what makes them the the most dangerous of creatures.

Artwork by me.

#mythology #sea #mermaid #folkore

Last updated 2 years ago

Cavan Scott · @cavanscott
242 followers · 86 posts · Server

Watching Elizabeth Dearnley’s talk on Fearsome Fairies on the YouTube channel from last year’s Haunted Landscape event.

#conwayhall #thehauntedlandscape #hauntedlandscape #folkore #fairies #fae

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura · @LauraSaintChevalier
0 followers · 2 posts · Server

Bore da pawb!
I’m Laura. Paris born, Bath raised, Manchester braised. I now split my time between Wales (Cwmbrân specifically) and Cheshire.
I’m a freelance writer and music PR, and a collector/seller of rare and unusual books. Particularly interested in and of course learning

#french #paris #manchester #southwales #cheshire #cymru #Wales #introduction #welsh #tarot #folkore #WelshMythology #fungi #ethnobotany #herbalism #witchcraft #art #nature #RareBooks #books

Last updated 2 years ago