Keep on smiling. Life is too short not to be happy!
#chenelno1 #indierock #popfolk #folkpop #folkpopmusic #happysong #funsong
#chenelno1 #indierock #popfolk #folkpop #folkpopmusic #happysong #funsong
Did I ever mention that I had a blast writing this song with @the_perics Have you heard the full song yet?
#chenelno1 #GiveMeYourLove #folkpop #folkpopmusic #popfolk #happysong
#chenelno1 #givemeyourlove #folkpop #folkpopmusic #popfolk #happysong
Give Me Your Love has been one of the most enjoyable collaborations I've done so far. The Perics are such great guys! Support usbby listening to the full song on Spotify or Apple
#chenelno1 #folkpop #popfolk #folkpopmusic #indiepoprock #happysong
#chenelno1 #folkpop #popfolk #folkpopmusic #indiepoprock #happysong
A bit of humour goes a long way during a hard day. Give me your love is also a folk pop song that will instantly lift your mood. Check it out on Spotify
#chenelno1 #GiveMeYourLove #popfolk #folkpop #folkpopmusic #folkpopmusician
#chenelno1 #givemeyourlove #popfolk #folkpop #folkpopmusic #folkpopmusician
Sometimes a song comes along that just hit your heart right. Give Me Your Love is one of those tunes that you'll hear and want more of. Listen to it on Spotify or Apple today
#chenelno1 #folkpop #popfolk #folkpopmusic #indiepoprock #happysong
#chenelno1 #folkpop #popfolk #folkpopmusic #indiepoprock #happysong
Being in love is one of the best feelings ever. Our song Give Me Your Love is a great love song to enjoy on Spotify
#chenelno1 #givemeyourlove #popfolk #folkpop #folkpopmusic
You should be kissed often and why not do it while listening to the new tune Give Me Your Love by myself and The Perics.
#chenelno1 #kissme #popfolk #folkpop #folkpopmusic
How do you like the pre-chorus of Give Me Your Love written in collaboration with The Perics?
#chenelno1 #GiveMeYourLove #folkpop #folkpopmusic #newmusic
#chenelno1 #givemeyourlove #folkpop #folkpopmusic #newmusic
If you're having a bad day I have the perfect pick-me-up song for you. Enjoy the folk pop song, Give Me Your Love and you'll feel instantly energized.
#chenelno1 #folkpop #folkpopmusic #happysong #moodboostingsongs
#chenelno1 #folkpop #folkpopmusic #happysong #moodboostingsongs
Sometimes waiting for someone to give you feedback on a project you really worked hard on makes me restless. Have you heard Give Me Your Love yet? #chenelno1 #povstories #newmusic #folkpop #folkpopmusic
#chenelno1 #povstories #newmusic #folkpop #folkpopmusic
Some of you have been waiting for this release for a while and Give Me Your Love in collaboration with @the_perics is finally available on streaming platforms. Hope you like this folk pop song 💕
#chenelno1 #GiveMeYourLove #folkpop #singersongwriters #folkpopmusic
#chenelno1 #givemeyourlove #folkpop #singersongwriters #folkpopmusic
I'm so excited! One week to go for the release of Give Me Your Love jn collaboration with The Perics. It's a great pop folk tune that will have you humming along in no time.
Presave today ⤵️
#chenelno1 #newmusicalert #newmusicrelease #folkpopmusic #popfolkmusic
#chenelno1 #newmusicalert #newmusicrelease #folkpopmusic #popfolkmusic