Woke up with my arm still itchy and tender from that beesting so I cracked open my folk remedy referance. My grandma had shown me that baking soda one, but I'd not heard of the antihistamine or aspirin right on the sting, nor the onion or basil before
If taken ill, you may be 'elf-struck', shot with an elven arrow
in Cumbrian folklore, the elves got the arrows from faeries, who got them from mermaids
#folklore #superstition #folkremedy #faeries #elves #mermaids #contemporaryart #cumbria
#painting by Stephen G. Rae
#folklore #superstition #folkremedy #faeries #elves #mermaids #contemporaryart #cumbria #painting
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: My Best Home Remedy for the Common Cold
#BloggerCommunity #BloggingCommunity #Blogger #Blogging #WednesdayWeeklyBloggingChallenge #HomeRemedies #FolkRemedy #Health #ComonCold #WritingCommunity #Remedy #WriterCommunity
#bloggercommunity #BloggingCommunity #blogger #blogging #wednesdayweeklybloggingchallenge #homeremedies #folkremedy #health #comoncold #writingcommunity #remedy #writercommunity
Wake and hit the bottle of Dit Da Jow. I want a gallon of the stuff. #ditdajow #tcm #tjm #ttm #ttm #voidoin #folkremedy #bushmedicine #acupuncture #cupping #ayurveda
#ditdajow #TCM #tjm #ttm #voidoin #folkremedy #bushmedicine #acupuncture #cupping #ayurveda
Annnnd this is why I like have multiple well documented sources!
#TIL onion can be used to treat bee and wasp stings! 🐝 🧅 :spellbook:
#FolkRemedy #FolkMagick #lowMagick #grimoire
#TiL #folkremedy #folkmagick #LowMagick #grimoire
Black cumin seed, a traditional #folkremedy, is becoming popular for its #healthbenefits and synergistic effects
Grany cure in a #bird species: russet sparrows incorporate fresh medical herb in their nest as anti-parasite treatment. #science #biology #animalbehaviour #behaviour #parasite #folkremedy #medecine
📄 Yang et al. (2020) Sparrows use a medicinal herb to defend against parasites and increase offspring condition. Current Biology 30:R1411–R1412 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.10.021
#bird #science #biology #animalbehaviour #behaviour #parasite #folkremedy #medecine